Saturday, May 23, 2020
Can Art Change the Way We View the World - 1554 Words
Can Art Change the Way We View the World? Susan Agee Classics in Philosophy of Art - P346 Gregory Steel Fall 2012 For centuries, art has been interwoven throughout the history of mankind. From primitive carvings on cave walls and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, to the Sistine Chapel and the Mona Lisa, artistic creations have enthralled the human race. Art may be a window to the creator’s world; it has potential to instill desire in the viewer to do something they have never done, be somewhere they have never been and inspire to fulfill a dream or goal. Additionally, Art may possibly allow the artist to illustrate their own perception of a place or even attempt to deceive the viewer. However, to truly understand how we see the world we†¦show more content†¦To illustrate this idea that perceptual experience may be different than what is real, consider the optical illusion. Artists such as Charles Allan Gilbert and M.C. Escher were masters of the craft of illusion in art. For example, in 1892 Charles Allan Gilbert drew a picture that he called â€Å"All is Vanity†. This piece o f artwork is an ambiguous optical illusion using a skull, which has been the object of many pieces of this type, where we see more than one thing in the picture. If we view the overall image, we see a human skull. When we focus on the details of the picture, we see a woman looking in her vanity mirror. If we look at a close-up, cropped image of All is Vanity, we dont see the skull we just see details of a woman sitting at her dressing table. However, if we expand our view, even without seeing the entire image, once we know were going to see a skull, we cant help but see it. Also, when we look at the picture from a distance, because of all the black surrounding it, once the details of the woman get distorted we still only see a skull. Additionally, M.C. Escher used his expertise in mathematics to create his optical illusions in art. He was fascinated with tessellations, which are arrangements of closed shapes that completely cover the plane without overlapping and without leaving gaps. Typically, the shapes making up a tessellation are polygons or similar regular shapes, such as the square tiles often used on floors. Escher,Show MoreRelatedThe Beginning Of The Twentieth Century1482 Words  | 6 PagesThe beginning of the twentieth century marked a significant event not just in the changes of ideology, technology, but also the way artists approach art. Communism and Fascism were on the rise and technological advances held strong since the industrial revolution. However, â€Å"The need for a wholesale new approach to art in the nineteenth century arose as the traditional forms of art were borne down on by new conditions and experiences.†(21) became apparent. To satisfy this need artists took many differen tRead More Analysis Of Writers Paulo Frei Essay1097 Words  | 5 PagesPerspectives in the Arts nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The stories behind a piece of art are infinite. The reasons the artist produced the piece is only one explanation behind the work. Even so, who is to know the specific thoughts the artist was thinking at the time? As each art critic may conclude his own analysis of an artwork, who is right and who is wrong? Just as students challenge the information that is supposedly â€Å"deposited†in them by the teacher in the classroom setting, art challenges theRead MoreThe Influence of Art on Our World Essay985 Words  | 4 Pages Art is not just a picture on a wall or in a museum, art comes in many forms. It can be a song you just heard, a video you watched, or a painting you saw in a gallery. Also, art can be just text. All forms of art grasp you in different ways and make your thoughts evolve to new distances. Art can bring you feelings you did not think you had. You can perceive the art in many ways and the creator wants it to influence you. I beli eve that yes, at can truly influence society and inform human behaviorRead MoreTaekwondo Is A Sport, Art And A Way Of Life1141 Words  | 5 Pagessport. It is also seen as a science and also an art. How do we decide, using the knowledge obtained through definitions of sport, game and play, if Taekwondo is a sport, art or a science? Can this activity be considered all three, or is it only possible for this activity to be counted as one out of the three ideas offered. The basics of Taekwondo lie in the specific movements of body parts. Southwick (1998) describes Taekwondo as meaning â€Å"the way of the foot and fist.†(Southwick, 1998). SouthwickRead MoreAristotle Platos Differences in Art and its Culture1023 Words  | 4 PagesOver the years, art has transformed. In the past, Art was a form of documentation and recording. Art and its form in today’s culture can be represented in many ways, birthed from artists as they express through their emotions and their perception of things. The transformation has changed drastically, bringing art form to a rather complex and intricate representation. As to a correct definition of what art is, it is impossible to simplify the term, Art. As we study the philosophical ideas of howRead MoreMultisensory Learning Theory1656 Words  | 7 Pages2010 When people enter the educational world, their primary goals should be student achievement and creating an environment that their students are successful in. Some of the important factors in the creation of the most effective environment are the method of teaching, their personal educational philosophy and the learning theory that brings these factors together. There are several learning theories and theorists that we as educators learn about as we go through our studies and they vary fromRead MoreArt Is A Catalyst Of Change1212 Words  | 5 PagesArt is a catalyst of change. It can confront both social and political issues as well as providing people with a creative outlet in which they can express their innermost thoughts and feelings - but what effect can art have on our society as a whole? Artists today have the unique ability to connect with people in a creative, innovative way that they can understand and interpret themselves. With this ability, artists are able to expres s their own views as well as influencing the views of others. ArtRead MoreHow Did the Period of Renaissance Alter Man’s View of Man? Essay1057 Words  | 5 Pagesadvancements in all fields of science, and inventions. How did the period of time we know as, â€Å"The Renaissance†, change or alter man’s view of man? Well, we know that in the Middle Ages, the Church had authority over most people, and people had very few rights. In 1400’s, the Middle Ages had ended and then began the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a monumental change in Europe which lasted for 300 years. Humanity as we know it was changed drastically by this rebirth of Europe, and truly enlighteningRead MoreTransnational Feminism And Key Factors Within A Transnational Perspective Essay963 Words  | 4 Pagesthat a transnational feminist would suggest in order to make positive changes for women. The second part of the paper will choose two concepts to define, as well as discuss how th ey relate to one another from a transnational perspective. In addition, the relation of how they related to gender or affect the political, social, and/or economic status of women in the world will be analyzed. Based on the readings from this semester, we have learned about different types of feminism. When examining transnationalRead MoreAnalysis Of The Other Hand 1418 Words  | 6 Pagesthat the beauty we perceive through art can change or support a pre-conceived idea. On the other hand, Elaine Scarry’s view resides in the fact that our view of beauty promotes the spirit of justice. Art is not so much the focus, rather beauty is the driving force of these two essays. There is an educational aspect to beauty that implies improvement within an individual or society and is promoted through both essays. Leo Tolstoy’s â€Å"What is Art†rejects any definition of art based on the
Monday, May 18, 2020
A State, Political Economy And Governance - 2250 Words
6104: STATE, POLITICAL ECONOMY AND GOVERNANCE Assignment Encountering state and citizenship in daily life By Rohit Singh M.A. Previous socw 10965 WHAT IS STATE The word nation is derived from the Latin word ‘stare’(to endure) and more specifically from â€Å"status†(a standing or condition). But this is a very old concept so, its relation in present context need to be answered. Max Weber s,[7][8][9][10][11] which describes the state as a compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maintains amonopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain territory. Most of us are the members of a state and live within the borders of one. We become part of a state even before we become aware about it , the registration of our birth, government hospitals, roads,etc all are part of few examples. What should define a state has been a part of debate by many political thinkers. Some thinkers consider state to be the most important part for modern political theories and say that is stae that comprises of the the topic that one needs to study in in political theory i.e. rights,democracy,equality,liberty are all part of the relation between the state and those living within it. The modern state arose between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe, and it spread to the rest of the world via conquest and colonialism. There are different approaches o the state also The functionalis approach to the state focuses on the role opurpose of theShow MoreRelatedState, Political Economy And Governance2407 Words  | 10 Pages STATE, POLITICAL ECONOMY AND GOVERNANCE ASSIGNMENT WORK Submitted by:- Mohit kumar M.A. (P), Read MoreState, Political, Economy And Governance2197 Words  | 9 PagesASSIGNMENT STATE , POLITICAL, ECONOMY AND GOVERNANCE PAPER NO- 6104 ENCOUNTERING STATE IN EVERYDAY LIFE SUBMITTED BY-NIKITA KATARIA ROLL NO- 10564(MA –PREVIOUS) STATE Different political scientists have given definitions of state. According to Aristotle, the father of political science, The state is an organization consisting some families and villages. According to Woodraw Wilson, State is a conglomeration of people within a definite territory organised by law. Professor GarnerRead MoreDemocracy And Good Governance Presents Its Own Problematic1573 Words  | 7 Pages Democracy and ‘good governance’ presents its own problematic. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Do Illegal Immigrants Hurt The Us Economy Essay - 2159 Words
The United States began its immigration policy soon after it won independence from Great Britain on July 4th, 1776. For over two hundred and forty years ago. The law has since been shaped through different eras and different political views over the years. In more recent years, unauthorized immigration law in particular has become a major topic. From our law making politicians, Congress, political debates and school; it has been one of the focused topics. Do Illegal immigrants hurt the US economy? This question has been a matter that has plagued so many for years without any perfect answer. Many hearts have been filled and troubled with lots of thoughts which have led to the question; how do unauthorized immigrants affect the US economy. Many might argue that immigrants do not pay enough in taxes to cover the public services they receive from the government at the present time. According to Maria Santana on CNN MONEY, illegal immigrant â€Å"Collectively, they paid an estimated $10.6 billion to state and local taxes in 2010, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). Illegal immigrant in most states does not qualify for welfare, food stamps and Medicaid. What most people seem to forget is that illegal immigrants do not even get any benefit from their daily job, some have no name or record if anything was to happen in their line of work. Some employers see them as dispensable with no question. Yet, these same employers take out taxes, Medicare and otherShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Immigration On The Us Economy929 Words  | 4 Pagesnumber of immigrants entering the United States legally is greater today than it was at the turn of the century, so as the US economy. US economy has proved to be raised dramatically in the past few years. This made me think about Immigration and the US economy on a same page in my mind. Many questions started populating in my head such as Does immigration in some way affect the US economy? If yes, how? After doing some research, I found that Immigration plays an important role in the US economy. I’llRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is Defined As The Phenomenon Of Entering And A Territory Without Any Government s Approval1442 Words  | 6 PagesFadil Bourkouli Professor Worley Throme English 101-3007 02/15/2016 Final Draft Research Paper Illegal immigration is defined as the phenomenon of entering and living in a territory without any government’s approval; In fact, it has lately raised a considerable debate on the pretext of the fact that it is an image of threat and weakness for the country. Many researches proved that the percentage of undocumented people is shooting up each year particularly in the United States as it is consideredRead MoreIllegal Immigrants in America Essay1001 Words  | 5 PagesIllegal Immigration in America Illegal immigration has caused a lot of controversy within the United States. The media has influenced our society to make us believe that illegal immigrants are horrible people. One thing that I have learned throughout life is, â€Å"Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains (Rousseau 4).†This sums up how society dictates our lives and limits us to what the media wants to us to believe. Whether it is legal or illegal, everybody should be treated equally. IllegalRead MoreCan Illegal Immigrants Boost The American Economy? Essay1382 Words  | 6 PagesCan Illegal Immigrants Boost the American Economy? A standout amongst the most intense discussions all over the United States these days is the topic of immigration. Immigration is the activity of coming to live permanently in another nation. In particularly, there are a huge number of issues surrounding unauthorized immigrants who remain in America. As a rule, the media likes to celebrate the negative parts of this issue to advance their own plan and outlook on the subject. In fact, illegalRead MoreDo Illegal workers help or hurt the economy1582 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Do Illegal Workers Help or Hurt the Economy? While growing up in Mexico, I heard many stories of people who were going to work in the United States, some illegally, so they could provide a better life for their families. To them, they were going to the land of opportunity, where jobs were plentiful for people who were willing to work hard. They planned to go to the United States and do the work that Americans didn’t want, while getting paid more than they could make in Mexico. ManyRead MoreThe Official Definition Of Illegal Is â€Å"Contrary To Or Forbidden1517 Words  | 7 PagesThe official definition of illegal is â€Å"contrary to or forbidden by law†. The definition of an Immigrant is â€Å"an individual who comes to live permanently in a foreign country†. Therefore Illegal Immigrants are foreigners who enter another country, the United States of America, without a Visa. They cross the border by avoiding inspection and overstay the allotted period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or business person. There are 12 million illegal immigrants in America today. How is the possibleRead MoreEssay on Immigration Issues Between UU And Mexico1256 Words  | 6 Pagesundocumented immigrants living in the United States. For undocumented immigrants from Mexico, population experts have discovered that there is a constant flow of both immigrants into the US and leaving the US . This is the primary reason why the exact number remains unknown. Mexicans make up the single largest group of undocumented workers. Many cross illegally into the United States each year looking for work. Experts suggest that many of these workers acquire low-paying jobs that do not last longRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1732 Words  | 7 Pages In 2012, a recent study found that there were nearly 11 million illegal immigrants in our nation s border. This has been a recurring problem going on since the late 19th century, when the federal law was passed which prohibited entry of convicts and prostitutes. Although this isn t the case of everyone crossing our nation s borders, it is still a national problem. Not allowing more people to infiltrate our country will provide Americans with more jobs, will lower the incarceration rates, andRead MoreDACA Essay1538 Words  | 7 PagesCNN, on September 5, US Attorney General Jefferson Sessions gradually terminated Mr. Obama’s policy of â€Å"Dreamers†, which is DACA (De ferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and will be completely terminated in six months. This policy was introduced in 2012 to allow illegal immigrants who, under 16 years old enter the United States to apply for two-year repatriation and to allow them to apply for a work permit. As this policy allows renewal, it essentially allows illegal immigrant children to live permanentlyRead MoreFamily Values Linda Chavez Summary1304 Words  | 6 PagesAre Immigrants actually hurting America? In the article â€Å"Supporting Family Values†Linda Chavez writes to inform Americans about immigrants. In American people make the assumption that immigrants are here to hurt America instead of improving America. In reality there is only a small group of immigrants that hurt America. People need to separate the groups to realize that there are immigrants who help America and that they should be allowed to stay in America under certain circumstances. Immigrants
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The United States And The Civil Rights Movement - 1727 Words
The most violent element in society is ignorance. Throughout American history there have been many conflicts that have emerged in society because the majority did not want to accept the privileges of different individuals owing to the fact of their race, religion, language, sex and other status distinctions. An example of this in the United States was the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s through the 1960s. African Americans fought to assert their full rights as Americans. Women fought to be able to stand next to a man in any profession and receive equal pay and respect. Now, since the late 1960s it is the homosexuals who still struggle for their equal rights. The homosexuals movement is a civil rights movement that advocates for equivalent and social rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual or â€Å"LGBT†community in America. Homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexual in the United States because the Declaration of Independence gives all Ameri cans natural rights. The constitution guarantees to each person of the United States equal protection under the laws. Freedom from discrimination is a basic human right. Marriage is about love and supporting one another The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the American political tradition. It articulates the fundamental ideas that form the American nation and gives all Americans natural rights. According to this document it says, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all menShow MoreRelatedThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States1668 Words  | 7 PagesThe civil rights movement in the USA in the 1950’s and 1960’s.can be termed as a democratic movement. The basic reason behind this was the discrimination of the African-Americans that were enslaved and did not have citizen rights. The African-Americans protested greatly against their injustice. The birth of the civil rights movement was before the 1954 Supreme Court’s decision on Brown versus Board of Education (Topeka) which stated that separate but equal schools was against the Constitution. FromRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement in the United States1401 Words  | 6 PagesSocial movements are one of the primary means through which the public is able to collectively express their concerns about the rights and wellbeing of themselves and others. Under the proper conditions, social movements not only shed light on issues and open large scale public discourse, but they can also serve as a means of eliciting expedited societal change and progress. Due to their potential impact, studying the characteristics of both failed and successful social movements is important inRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States1157 Words  | 5 PagesAnd by virtue of the power and for the purpose of the aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States are and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons.†(CITE TEXT) It took just over 100 years f or African-Americans to achieve the dream that Abraham Lincoln envisioned nearly a centuryRead MoreThe United States And The Civil Rights Movement903 Words  | 4 Pagesstrength of the civil rights movement struck the attention of political figures that influenced calls to reform the U.S. immigration policy. In the 1920’s immigration was based on the national-origins quota system. The system assigned each nationality a quota, which restricted immigration on the basis of existing proportions of the population due to its representation in past U.S. census figures. The goal of the quota system was to maintain the existing ethnic composition of the United States. However,Read MoreThe United States Of The Civil Rights Movement1803 Words  | 8 Pagesmany wars in the United States of America occurring. After World War two things began to change. The Soviet Union and United States of America had many differences. Even the world after World War Two was very different than befor e. A doctrine of containment was developed and programs began to be put in place due to this doctrine. There was also a Cold War and there were many important causes that lead to this war. The United States also had a lot going on because of the Civil-rights revolution. ThisRead MoreThe United States And The Civil Right Movement1594 Words  | 7 Pagesthe United States more than two million people are incarcerated and seven million are under correctional supervision. There are 13 million adults that have been convicted of a felony and 47 million American have something on their record. Having a felony has attained a newfound relevance in the United States (King, 2006) . In many states begin a felon come with obstacles both informal and formal in the lives of people with a felony convicted. In the midst of the growing civil right movement, theRead MoreThe Civil Right Movement Of The United States1712 Words  | 7 Pageswere only a climax of the protests and civil movements du ring the time period. Not only segregation, racial inequality has also existed for hundreds of years- it is only during these specific years that the conflict and involvement of citizens across the country peaked through the use of protests as well as the influential people that led them. While influential leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. led the Civil Right Movement, segregation in the United States continued to affect the daily life ofRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States3431 Words  | 14 PagesThe civil rights movement began to influence view about people with disabilities. Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954, the US supreme court ruled that it was unlawful under the fourteenth amendment to discriminate subjectively against any group of people. The court applied this to the education of children. Soon people with disabilities were acknowledged as another group whose rights had often been dishonored because of discrimination. Pennsylvania Assoc for Ret arded Children v. Commonwealth (1972)Read MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States1914 Words  | 8 Pagescollective systems meant to dictate how the masses who believe in and follow them, live and act. Each institution has its own collective set of rules, often times mostly unspoken, to guide what others in the institution should be doing in terms of right and wrong. But these rules are never fixed and may fluctuate with changes in leadership or environment among other things. The fluctuations of these rules mean that they must often be tested by people more on the fringe of the institution in orderRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States Of America2015 Words  | 9 PagesUntil the 19th century, no abortion laws existed in the United States of America. By the 1880s, most states had banned abortion except in cases where it was necessary to save the mother’s life. The cause of this shift in attitude can largely be attributed to the American Med ical Association, founded in 1847. The organization wanted to stop unlicensed abortions by forcing the people giving them out of business. Religious leaders supported the American Medical Association’s move and worked with
Buenavista Plywood Corporation Free Essays
Buenavista Plywood Corporation The Problem The problem confronting Mr. Antonio Garcia, the Plant Superintendent of Buenavista Plywood Corporation is how to deal with the absentee rates of the employees from Bohol such that the production of the plant will operate at capacity, with adequate workforce and the interests of the company and employees be served. Objectives More specifically, the problem resolves itself into the following objectives which Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Buenavista Plywood Corporation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Garcia has to achieve in the course of action he has to take: 1. To maintain a stable and reliable workforce; 2. To protect the company’s reputation by avoiding confrontation with formal union groups; 3. To address production problems and costs; 4. To meet the rated capacity of the plant; 5. To safeguard the long-run profitability and stability of Buenavista Plywood Corporation. Situational Analysis The Buenavista Plywood Corporation was organized in Cagayan de Oro City in 1950 by the Santiago Family. Don Jose Santiago, the present head of the family, was well qualified to carry the traditions of this prominent family. The Santiagos have been involved in politics in nearby Bohol, the ancestral home. They had been pioneering industrialists in the plywood business. Don Jose had been an early advocate of local processing of lumber as opposed to the shipping of log abroad. VISTAWOOD, the trademark chosen for their plywood, was one of the first export plywood production in the Philippines. Late in the fall of 1960, at a time when the plant was operating at capacity, working three shifts a day, some representatives of a national labor organization gained the allegiance of a large group of workers to establish a union at VISTAWOOD. Over the period of several months, the union activists who were assigned to the logging concessions left the company at their own initiative. These events marked the end of any organized activity at VISTAWOOD. As a matter of general policy, management preferred to hire people from Bohol and even tolerate some irregularities due to this peculiar working arrangement, than to risk another confrontation with formal union organizations. In fact, Don Jose soon began to rely on political leverage this group of workers afforded him in his election campaigns in Bohol. Late in 1967, VISTAWOOD was facing serious production problems. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Fierce competition in the export market and decreasing selling prices, coupled with new duties being levied by importing countries had aggravated the situation. It was apparent to management that the only source of improvement would have to be the production function. Costs of operating the plant had been steadily rising without no accompanying rise in production volume. Mr. Antonio Garcia was brought to VISTAWOOD Superintendent in the hope that he could bring some improvements in the plywood plant. Discovering the absentee rate of the plant, Mr. Garcia began to examine this and other related problems at VISTAWOOD. It became increasingly clear that: (1) production was low and highly erratic and (2) one of the main causes of this gloomy situation was the unstable and unreliable workforce. The absentee rates fluctuated between 50% during Monday and Saturday nights and 30% during the rest of the week. Daily production was so adversely affected by this shifting workforce, that Sundays had to be regarded as regular work days but with higher labor costs. Mr. Garcia was convinced that the plant could be run on a six-day schedule and meets the rated capacity if an adequate workforce could be maintained in the ratio of 3:2. Decision Framework Constraints Given the problematic framework on situation described, Mr. Garcia now had to decide what to do with the problem on the imported workers from Bohol. The fluctuating absentee rates of these employees has resulted to serious problems such as the unstable, unreliable and inadequate workforce unable to meet the rated capacity at the plant and resulted to low and highly erratic roduction. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Aside from the fierce competition in the export market, decreasing selling prices, and rising production costs, imported workers from Bohol have created greater problems. Increasing the production volume through having an adequate stable workforce is the only solution to the problems faced by the company. And that would mean to fire those workers from Bohol who have absentee problems. These people create greater inefficiencies for the company. However, this will risk the company to face formal union organizations. And these would mean putting the company in bad public image ore reputation. Retaining the employees from Bohol will protect the company’s reputation but the absentee rates of these employees affect production costs and volume. And if not addressed will result to financial ruin for the company. Mr. Garcia is therefore caught in a seemingly difficult dilemma and has to formulate a decision which would both safeguard stability and profitability at the company and at the same time, protect the reputation of the company. DECISION ALTERNATIVES The following choices are open to Mr. Garcia: 1. Fine the employees from Bohol who have absentee problems but spell ruin on the company’s reputation; or 2. Retain the employees from Bohol but creates problems on the production costs and volume and eventually spell financial ruin to the company. RECOMMENDATION The first alternative to fine employees from Bohol is preferable given the following considerations: 1. It will decrease absentee rates of employees and having a stable and reliable workforce will result in meeting the rated capacity and volume of the plant. 2. It will dissociate political expediency from management decisions. 3. Mr. Garcia could talk to the workforce from Bohol to avoid establishing a union at VISTAWOOD. CONCLUSION Firing the workers from Bohol will address production problems of the company and insure the long-run stability and profitability of VISTAWOOD. Such a course of action, therefore, would achieve all the objectives set out earlier in the present dilemma. How to cite Buenavista Plywood Corporation, Essay examples
Buenavista Plywood Corporation Free Essays
Buenavista Plywood Corporation The Problem The problem confronting Mr. Antonio Garcia, the Plant Superintendent of Buenavista Plywood Corporation is how to deal with the absentee rates of the employees from Bohol such that the production of the plant will operate at capacity, with adequate workforce and the interests of the company and employees be served. Objectives More specifically, the problem resolves itself into the following objectives which Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Buenavista Plywood Corporation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Garcia has to achieve in the course of action he has to take: 1. To maintain a stable and reliable workforce; 2. To protect the company’s reputation by avoiding confrontation with formal union groups; 3. To address production problems and costs; 4. To meet the rated capacity of the plant; 5. To safeguard the long-run profitability and stability of Buenavista Plywood Corporation. Situational Analysis The Buenavista Plywood Corporation was organized in Cagayan de Oro City in 1950 by the Santiago Family. Don Jose Santiago, the present head of the family, was well qualified to carry the traditions of this prominent family. The Santiagos have been involved in politics in nearby Bohol, the ancestral home. They had been pioneering industrialists in the plywood business. Don Jose had been an early advocate of local processing of lumber as opposed to the shipping of log abroad. VISTAWOOD, the trademark chosen for their plywood, was one of the first export plywood production in the Philippines. Late in the fall of 1960, at a time when the plant was operating at capacity, working three shifts a day, some representatives of a national labor organization gained the allegiance of a large group of workers to establish a union at VISTAWOOD. Over the period of several months, the union activists who were assigned to the logging concessions left the company at their own initiative. These events marked the end of any organized activity at VISTAWOOD. As a matter of general policy, management preferred to hire people from Bohol and even tolerate some irregularities due to this peculiar working arrangement, than to risk another confrontation with formal union organizations. In fact, Don Jose soon began to rely on political leverage this group of workers afforded him in his election campaigns in Bohol. Late in 1967, VISTAWOOD was facing serious production problems. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Fierce competition in the export market and decreasing selling prices, coupled with new duties being levied by importing countries had aggravated the situation. It was apparent to management that the only source of improvement would have to be the production function. Costs of operating the plant had been steadily rising without no accompanying rise in production volume. Mr. Antonio Garcia was brought to VISTAWOOD Superintendent in the hope that he could bring some improvements in the plywood plant. Discovering the absentee rate of the plant, Mr. Garcia began to examine this and other related problems at VISTAWOOD. It became increasingly clear that: (1) production was low and highly erratic and (2) one of the main causes of this gloomy situation was the unstable and unreliable workforce. The absentee rates fluctuated between 50% during Monday and Saturday nights and 30% during the rest of the week. Daily production was so adversely affected by this shifting workforce, that Sundays had to be regarded as regular work days but with higher labor costs. Mr. Garcia was convinced that the plant could be run on a six-day schedule and meets the rated capacity if an adequate workforce could be maintained in the ratio of 3:2. Decision Framework Constraints Given the problematic framework on situation described, Mr. Garcia now had to decide what to do with the problem on the imported workers from Bohol. The fluctuating absentee rates of these employees has resulted to serious problems such as the unstable, unreliable and inadequate workforce unable to meet the rated capacity at the plant and resulted to low and highly erratic roduction. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Aside from the fierce competition in the export market, decreasing selling prices, and rising production costs, imported workers from Bohol have created greater problems. Increasing the production volume through having an adequate stable workforce is the only solution to the problems faced by the company. And that would mean to fire those workers from Bohol who have absentee problems. These people create greater inefficiencies for the company. However, this will risk the company to face formal union organizations. And these would mean putting the company in bad public image ore reputation. Retaining the employees from Bohol will protect the company’s reputation but the absentee rates of these employees affect production costs and volume. And if not addressed will result to financial ruin for the company. Mr. Garcia is therefore caught in a seemingly difficult dilemma and has to formulate a decision which would both safeguard stability and profitability at the company and at the same time, protect the reputation of the company. DECISION ALTERNATIVES The following choices are open to Mr. Garcia: 1. Fine the employees from Bohol who have absentee problems but spell ruin on the company’s reputation; or 2. Retain the employees from Bohol but creates problems on the production costs and volume and eventually spell financial ruin to the company. RECOMMENDATION The first alternative to fine employees from Bohol is preferable given the following considerations: 1. It will decrease absentee rates of employees and having a stable and reliable workforce will result in meeting the rated capacity and volume of the plant. 2. It will dissociate political expediency from management decisions. 3. Mr. Garcia could talk to the workforce from Bohol to avoid establishing a union at VISTAWOOD. CONCLUSION Firing the workers from Bohol will address production problems of the company and insure the long-run stability and profitability of VISTAWOOD. Such a course of action, therefore, would achieve all the objectives set out earlier in the present dilemma. How to cite Buenavista Plywood Corporation, Essay examples
International Management Managing Borders -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The International Management Managing Borders? Answer: Introducation Philippines, formally identified as the Republic of the Philippines, can be considered to be a self-governing island nation in Southeast Asia. Essentially, the unemployment rate of Philippines was approximately 5.475% of the entire labour force. The gross domestic product (GDP) was recorded to be PHP 8113.17 billion in 2016 and nominal GDP was documented to be PHP 14449.93 billions (Warner 2014). Reports suggest that Purchasing power parity founded per capita GDP was approximated to be USD 7728.07 and government's income was approximately PHP 2813.22 billion while the expenses were necessarily PHP 2869.53 billion (Warner 2014). Particularly, this led to negative borrowing standing at PHP 56.312 billion during 2016 reflecting that adequate financial resources were not obtainable to enhance economic growth. This poor economic condition can be regarded as a matter of concern. However, in spite of stubbornly higher levels of inequality in income, countrys middle class section is intensif ying and generating enhanced demand for modern products such as (trendy dresses) in this case (Morschett et al. 2015). Plans to deal with their concerns and to ensure a long term cooperative relationships The business can assume the strategic measures of penetrating into an international market. The low cost strategy can be used in this regard for delivering products at low cost. Thus, the company can adopt the stratagem of selling trendy dresses at lower prices in comparison to the competitors (Deresky 2017). The major concern of income inequality can be taking the path of low cost, reducing costs and thereafter passing the savings to consumers in terms of low prices. References Deresky, H., 2017.International management: Managing across borders and cultures. Pearson Education India. Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H. and Zentes, J., 2015.Strategic international management(pp. 978-3658078836). business. Warner, M., 2014.Culture and management in Asia. Routledge.
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