Thursday, September 3, 2020
A Perspective on Water Crisis Essay Example for Free
A Perspective on Water Crisis Essay Worldwide water emergency is perhaps the most concerning issue that the world is confronting. Freshwater assets are progressively turning out to be scant today and most likely for the following decades. Short of what one-portion of 1% of all the water on the planet contains the accessible new and clean water (Maude). People previously utilized the greater part of the world’s clean new water and constantly 2025 the utilization of freshwater will increment to seventy five percent. Worldwide water utilization turns out to be twofold like clockwork and if this pattern proceeds, the gracefully of freshwater won't be sufficient for the interest of the world’s populace by 2025. World Bank and World Heath Organization noticed that there are around 2 billion individuals have no entrance to perfect and safe water and around 1 billion individuals have no enough spotless water to meet their day by day water necessities. Exhausted water assets are ascribed to the escalated urbanization, deforestation, water redirection, modern cultivating and populace development. As the total populace builds, the utilization of available freshwater may grow six-overlap (Maude). Because of water emergency, heaps of individuals experience the ill effects of water and sanitation related infections, for example, looseness of the bowels, cholera, diarrhea, and hepatitis. Lamentably, the greater part of the most unfortunate nations in the globe are the ones who are encountering water lack. Uganda is situated at the Sub-Saharan Africa and is among the most unfortunate nations around the world. The nation depends exclusively on agrarian industry nonetheless, not exactly 50% of the arable land is subject for development. Enormous piece of the land zone (pretty much 82%) of the nation is arable, anyway over 67% of the nation has poor ferralitic soil which has almost lost its mineral substance because of delayed enduring. In this way, legitimate soil the executives is required for the dirt to recover its lost supplements. The economy of the nation has an incredible potential, thinking about the possibilities of its horticulture and normal assets. There is an extraordinary chance that Uganda will recoup from challenges, most particularly from destitution. Nonetheless, because of some current issues that the nation is confronting, it is by all accounts hard for Uganda to escape from destitution. Perhaps the most serious issue that the nation is confronting today is water emergency. Water emergency unquestionably influence the nation all in all adds to Uganda’s destitution and decline her flow circumstance (Dauda, 2003). The nation of Uganda is certainly enriched with water assets. About 18% of the all out surface zone of the nation is secured with sustainable water assets including lakes, waterways and wetlands. Roughly, it can gracefully a person of Uganda with 2,800 m of water in a year (Dauda, 2003). These new water assets are considered as the basic asset for continuing life, protecting the earth, maintain improvement and mitigating neediness in the nation. It has direct effect the personal satisfaction of Ugandans and their efficiency in general. Water is exceptionally basic to Uganda since it assumes a basic job in the creation of adequate gracefully of nourishment for the nation just as providing electric force everywhere throughout the nation. It is the distinct advantage of the country’s agribusiness, food handling and other agro-enterprises which gives work to the individuals of Uganda. Beside supporting Uganda’s farming and industry, water likewise gives electric capacity to the nation. To be sure, it is the wellspring of hydropower which is the country’s fundamental asset of bountiful and modest electric force. The financial improvement of the nation relies entirely upon the vitality created from hydropower. Insufficient force flexibly can't bolster Uganda’s enormous scope fabricating businesses and agro-ventures which may prompt low monetary degree of the nation (National Water Development Report, 2005). The significant freshwater assets of Uganda incorporate precipitation, surface or vast water and groundwater. Precipitation is the most essential wellspring of freshwater of the nation. The precipitation design in the nation incredibly impacts the land utilize potential and thusly the populace circulation. The precipitation example of Uganda is affected by the neighborhood geography and the nearness of Lake Victoria. Precipitation in Uganda will in general increment with height; in the interim, precipitation is able to diminish with the good ways from the lake. High precipitation is noted on the focal and western pieces of Lake Victoria and over the mountain. Another factor that decides the event of precipitation is the country’s season. The most steady downpour season in Uganda is from the long periods of March to May; in the interim, the revealed variable blustery months in Uganda is from October to December (National Water Development Report, 2005). The significant freshwater assets of Uganda are as lakes and streams. These open sources are regularly utilized for the gracefully of hydropower in the nation. The significant assets of hydropower in Uganda are the Nile River and Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria bolsters the fisheries business of Uganda and give water flexibly to most of individuals of Uganda. In fact, the Lake is additionally supporting the horticulture business along its shoreline (National Water Development Report, 2005). In any case, the Lake’s likely use for what's to come is presently being referred to since it is encountering biting the dust up which prompts lower water levels. The accessible water left in Lake Victoria may not be sufficient to continue the necessary hydroelectric force age (Xinhua News Agency). Other water bodies incorporate Kyoga, Albert, George, Edward, Ruizi, Katonga, Kafu, Mpologoma and Aswa (National Water Development Report, 2005). A portion of these lakes, most particularly those on the western and focal part are additionally evaporating because of dry spell which undermines the cows business in the territory. Cattles have little access to water which may prompt lower creation rate and low nature of Cattles (Xinhua News Agency). Notwithstanding dry season, the nature of surface water has been falling apart with time. In many pieces of the nation, surface and ground water are as of now contaminated because of expanded urbanization and populace just as human exercises, for example, poor farming practices, helpless sanitation rehearses, modern waste release, and mining exercises (National Water Development Report, 2005). Springs, which must be created and revived by endogenous precipitation, are additionally fundamental asset of freshwater in Uganda. It is the significant wellspring of water in provincial, semi-parched and dry zones in the nation. The event of groundwater is exceptionally reliant on the geologic arrangement in the nation. Uganda is blessed with profitable springs water; this can be credited to the geography of Uganda which is ruled by crystalline Basement Complex of pre-Cambrian age. Over 90% of the nation is underlie by various types of rocks which prevalently incorporate stones, granitoid gneisses and gneisses. Ground water assets are commonly found on the underground layer of unconsolidated materials, for example, endured bedrock, residue and dirt. This groundwater must be separated through wells. The most noteworthy yielding and profitable groundwater can be found in endured broke bedrock which has high porousness (National Water Development Report, 2005). When all is said in done, the groundwater of Uganda is in acceptable and sound condition. There are no hints of harmful substances that may compromise the strength of the individuals in Uganda. Also, these springs have huge measure of minerals, for example, aluminum, calcium, magnesium metal cations, chloride, iron, manganese and chromium that may not make hurt the individuals of Uganda. Thus, there are scarcely any pieces of the nation that are found to have high measures of these minerals and have hints of high nitrate and chromium levels in certain zones. Beside high measure of minerals, it was likewise revealed that a few pieces of the nation have seen as positive in Coliform microscopic organisms. Defilement of the springs is credited to decay of the borehole housings, draining of sewage squanders, enduring of spring condition just as helpless sanitation condition in the zones around the springs (National Water Development Report 2005). When all is said in done, the accessibility and protection of water assets in Uganda exclusively depends on different natural, sociological and social elements. The accessibility of freshwater assets relies upon the circulation of water bodies on the nation. It is realized that freshwater assets in Uganda establish an extraordinary piece of the nation. In any case, because of its lopsided appropriation and irregularity, accessibility of water is as yet a major issue on most pieces of the nation. Ugandans think that its hard to have a simple access to new and clean water. Ladies along with their young are investing so much time and vitality on strolling a mile-long route just to bring water from zones with adequate gracefully of clean water. The lopsided appropriation of water assets in the nation additionally impacts the agro-business in the nation. Dairy cattle raisers will in general exchange all around just to discover sheltered and adequate water for the cattles. Thus, sickness spread and move brought by the cattles gets common on different locales of the nation (Xinhua News Agency). In the interim, lopsided dissemination of groundwater enormously impacted the availability of Ugandans to clean water. Areas supplied with profitable groundwater are to be sure wealthy in land qualities (National Water Development Report 2005). The event of outrageous climate conditions greatly affects the accessibility and security of water on the nation. Substantial downpours may cause to flooding and thus may sully the water assets of the a few districts in the nation. Polluted water may result to progressively difficult issues, for example, ailment flare-ups, scourges and even passing. Polluted w
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Psychological effect of Leishmaniasis Assignment
Mental impact of Leishmaniasis - Assignment Example Because of absence of information and education, the individuals in these regions think that its better to avoid such patients so as to abstain from being influenced by it themselves. These patients face a disheartening carry on from everybody, and wherever they go. In their report, Kassi et al. have referenced the instance of a poor young lady experiencing Leishmaniasis, who was denied of her fundamental instruction since she was a survivor of this malady. Also, no one was prepared to wed her, because of this issue. [2] A significant factor of these mental impacts is the inclusion of the uncovered pieces of the body, similar to the facial injuries influencing nose and ears and now and then prompting extreme deforming of face; accordingly further expanding the social confinement of the patient. We arranged our report based on the meetings led with the influenced people. There were ten male and ten female patients met. Out of the ten male patients, five were between thirty to forty years old, while the other five were over fifty years old. Also, every one of them had Leishmaniasis influencing their arms or legs. The inquiries directed in our report included inquiries covering the mental impacts of Leishmaniasis. This examiner is tied in with soliciting the impacts from this malady on patient’s individual life, family life, companion connections, unsettling influence at work place, mental impacts like humiliation insect misery, result of this sickness, social correspondence and furthermore about any ways embraced by the patient to dispose of this sore. The aftereffects of this short review show various realities for the male and female patients. Among the male patients, it is seen that the mental just as social impacts of Leishmaniasis were related essentially with the patients between the age bunch thirty to forty, while those over fifty, appeared to be less influenced by such effects. While for the female patients, practically every one of them endured with
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Chapter Of My Life Essays - Indian Films, New Delhi India
A Chapter Of My Life Essays - Indian Films, New Delhi India A Chapter of My Life God enables the individuals who to support themselves. This seems like a straightforward section from a strict book, in any case, it has a staggering essentialness in my life. This expression is enormously answerable for building self- regard and trust in me. It can likewise be credited for changing a bashful, thoughtful, and confounded kid into a sure and illuminated grown-up. I neither read the expression from a book nor heard it at a strict help. I heard these words from somebody who truly comprehends the importance of the expression. That individual's name is Ameet Handa. Ameet is experiencing different handicaps. I met him at the foundation for the Disabled People in New Delhi, India, where I was sent by the school I was going to in India, to watch and comprehend the lives of individuals who are weakened. Around then I was on the secondary school cricket crew and I was having issues with my shoulder, which was disengaged from the joint. This occurrence occurred while I was playing cricket with my partners. I was a quick bowler and my group required me to dominate one match in which I hurt myself by tossing the ball. I didn't play cricket for just about one year. Following one year the school needed me to play cricket and I played one game. I didn't have any issue in that game, however in the second game I broke my hand so severely that I was unable to lift any we! ight with my hand. My school sent me to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi, which was the best clinic in India, for medical procedure on my shoulder. There I met Ameet Handa who was 20 years of age. Ameet was an individual of enchanting character. Regardless of his various handicaps, I continuously observed him grinning. We before long turned out to be old buddies. The primary week before the medical procedure, when they were treating my shoulder the main spot I knew about was my room in the emergency clinic. One day Ameet came up to me and stated, Bhavesh, what's going on with you, I have never observed you grin. I let him know everything about my shoulder condition, and how I felt about it. He didn't utter a word at that point, in any case, following hardly any hours he requested that I go with him out traveling inside the organization. What I saw during that outing was mind boggling. I saw numerous individuals whose physical incapacities were more terrible than mine. There was a young lady who was figuring out how to type with her toes, and there was another visually impaired youngster who was taking a shot at some machine. Ameet took a gander at me and stated, The contrast between you and these individuals is that you have yielded the fight, and they are as yet battling, and a large number of them are winning the clashes of life. He likewise said that in the event that I imagined that I was unable to do anything, there was no chance I could accomplish anything in my life. He stated, God enables the individuals who to support themselves. This outing opened the shut entryway of my psyche. I understood that life is too valuable to even consider wasting by stressing over the things that are outside my ability to control. Ameet's motivation and the help of my family, companions and instructors have contributed in the achievement I have accomplished. Because of the medical procedures, which were performed on my shoulder around six years back, my shoulder improved a great deal. I don't! comprehend what my life would have been similar to in the event that I had not met Ameet. The principal second after the medical procedure when I opened my eyes, I didn't feel my hand moving. I weeped for that second until the specialist said that my shoulder was fine, yet in addition he disclosed to me that I proved unable play again at any rate for next half year. I was glad to such an extent that I could play once more. The one thing I am most certainly not content with is that I can not bowl as quick as I used to bowl. I began playing again following three months, yet I miss those occasions when I was legend of my secondary school. Life is too short to even think about wasting on irrelevant issues. I currently appreciate each snapshot of
Literature Review on Online Voting System free essay sample
Ensure you do comprehend this point before you register the theme with your instructor. Your task ought to be PC composed. The referencing style to be utilized in this exploration is the  style. The textual style type to be utilized ought to be Arial, its size ought to be 10 and line dispersing ought to be 1. 5.  Provide a rundown of your reference index, connected as an informative supplement. The task expects you to compose a)Background on the territory of research, a limit of one page . b)Literature audit own your chose theme, a limit of five pages. Your writing audit ought to be sectionalized I. e. separated into heading and sub-heading which are consistent associated. [30 marks] The report ought to be all around organized, having a spread page, point numbered, page numbered, list of chapters and well referencedmarks. The target of this Individual Assignment is for understudies to grandstand their aptitude in capacity to a)Gathering significant data for directing a writing survey b)Critically dissect and assess assembled data to develop writing audit c)Conclude and suggest Understudies are relied upon to compose a report on writing audit for a subject of their decision. We will compose a custom article test on Writing Review on Online Voting System or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Understudy who presents this Assignment later than the cutoff time date expressed above will have marks punished. (5% of the all out imprint regular) †¢Print out the Assignment by utilizing Arial text style and size of 10 by utilizing Microsoft Word. †¢You must present the work with a task spread page stapled together as accommodation. This Assignment is an individual work and it contributes 30% to your absolute imprints.  The following is the imprints conclusion: Late accommodation = - 5% every day of your absolute checks regardless of reasons and reasons †¢Not following inquiry necessities = 0 % is granted quickly †¢Plagiarism = 0% is granted right away. †¢Let others duplicate your work = 0% is granted right away. †¢Off point work = 0% is granted right away. You are NOT permitted to work with some other understudies. †¢You are NOT permitted to cooperate to get an itemized arrangement, to duplicate an answer, or to part with an answer other than your gathering †¢Do NOT let others see your work †¢If somebody cheats by utilizing your work, you will all be punished.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Co-operative entreprises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Co-employable entreprises - Essay Example Various Expectations One of the normal and the most shocking issues of working in a co-usable is that various individuals may meet up in the group having various desires. I will introduce here the straightforward case of doing a task together. Some gathering individuals might be happy with only an A while others may settle with only a passing evaluation. Various desires can prompt distinctive mentality, hard working attitudes and needs (Barton, 2011). Hence it is significant in a co-employable to have a shared objective and shared qualities. Every part ought to relate to that objective. It might even be important to downsize the desires for a portion of the individuals and scale up the desires for others so as to show up at an objective which is expectable to all the individuals. Absence of Communication A co-usable is framed when one part can't satisfy all the jobs himself. Subsequently a co-employable involves division of work. A few individuals might be made responsible for showca sing, others should deal with the fund and some others are entrusted to deal with activities of the co-employable. The greatest test here is the absence of correspondence among individuals liable for various undertakings. A promoting fellow may make an aspiring deals plan however may not know that there are no funds to help his arrangement. Absence of correspondence causes various issues yet is moderately simple to deal with. The issue can be taken care of b having customary gatherings with various gathering individuals (Nilsson and Ollila, 2013). These gatherings may appear to be a drag however they help everybody to come up to speed and furthermore remain misconception that may manifest. Normal correspondences among various groups is the most significant methods for tackling issues in a co-usable workplace and guarantee positive reliance among the colleagues. Inner self/Personality conflicts as far as I can tell of chipping away at a co-usable undertaking conscience conflict is th e greatest test which is hard to understand. The operational and calculated issues can be illuminated effectively if all colleagues set their attention to it however self image conflicts cripple other colleagues as well as may even demolish the entire task (Cooperatives UK, 1965). These conflicts may not be even identified with the task that we are embraced yet individuals may have gotten them to the group from their previous history. The most ideal approach to stay away from these conflicts is to guarantee that every individual from the co-usable is permitted to talk their psyche. Nobody ought to be given more weight age when contrasted with others. Anyway this doesn't normally occurs and colleagues wind up taking sides which is deplorable for the co-employable. I have by and by observed that mystery deciding on subjects of conflict is a decent method to forestall these conflicts and help the gathering push ahead. Social Differences Each one of us has an alternate method of working regardless of whether we have similar objectives. A few individuals from the gathering like to work alone, some prefer to work under tension though others like to prepare. I call these issues as social contrasts among the individuals from the group. These distinctions
Monday, August 3, 2020
Native-speaker And Non-native-speaker Teachers Of English Essay
Native-speaker And Non-native-speaker Teachers Of English Essay Native-speaker And Non-native-speaker Teachers Of English â€" Essay Example > IntroductionEnglish has become one of the fastest growing languages being taught and spoken around the world. Its spread started in the 19th century. Alastair (1998) notes that, this time was a time for the British to marvel at their own greatness due to the global spread of their language. Guest, 1838/1882) (as quoted by Alastair) noted that English was becoming among the greatest tools of civilization. It’s noted that it was being used in Africa, islands of Pacific, hindoo, among other countries and continents. Jacob Grimm is quoted by trench (1881) stating that English language had grown to be used globally, and may as well be called a world language. Claiborne (1983) notes that, English is spoken by more than 300 million people as their native language, the second largest language in the world after the mandarin Chinese. Currently, the rise of families, students, business people among others immigrating to foreign countries requires that they learn English for effective comm unication. It is argued that both native speakers of English and non-native speakers of English have much to offer as teachers of English to speakers of other languages. In this regard, this assignment will explore several contexts of ESL/EFL in which teachers of native speakers of English and no-native speakers of English. This will include the consideration of the kind of knowledge, skills and attitude which are necessary for an English teacher to take on board when teaching English in specific contexts. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE/ FOREIGN LANGUAGECurrently, most institutions in countries that English speaking countries teach the language as a foreign language or second language to its students. TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL)Teaching English as a Second Language usually means teaching English in a country where English is already the main or official language. Usually, countries such as The United States, Canada, The United Kingdom and Australia are an example of locations to teach ESL. This is usually experienced when people migrate into another county where their native language is not spoken, or is not used for education. These people may enter into these countries for business missions, seminars, or migrate, and are faced with the challenge of learning English for their daily communication with other people in the country. Usually, such people may enter the country with advanced or with only the Basic English. They may want their children to join the local schools and are required to learn the language to attain the level appropriate to their age or country’s standards. A teacher who lives and teach English in an already English speaking country can be referred to as teaching English as a second language (www. teaching-esl-to-adults. com)TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGH LANGUAGE(EFL)English as a Foreign Language (EFL) refers to teaching English in countries where English is not the major language, or the official language. Examples of s uch countries include countries like Thailand, China, Korea, among others. In this case, students study English in their own native countries as part of their school curriculum or as a requirement for immigration or travelling abroad.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Does it Make a Difference if I Attend Harvard, Stanford, or Wharton
True, Harvard, Stanford, and Wharton have a lot in common. But what if you are in the enviable position of having to choose between the three? What really differentiates the programs and how can you decide which is best for you? Are you applying to business school in 2019 (or beyond)? Work with an experienced admission expert to unlock your competitive advantage and get accepted to a top program. For 25 years, Accepted has helped business school applicants gain acceptance to top programs. Our outstanding team of MBA admissions consultants features former business school admissions directors and professional writers who have guided our clients to admission at top MBA, EMBA, and other graduate business programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Booth, INSEAD, London Business School, and many more. Want an MBA admissions expert to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Check out our free webinars: †¢ Get Accepted to Harvard Business School †¢ Get Accepted to Stanford GSB †¢ Get Accepted to Wharton
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Can Art Change the Way We View the World - 1554 Words
Can Art Change the Way We View the World? Susan Agee Classics in Philosophy of Art - P346 Gregory Steel Fall 2012 For centuries, art has been interwoven throughout the history of mankind. From primitive carvings on cave walls and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, to the Sistine Chapel and the Mona Lisa, artistic creations have enthralled the human race. Art may be a window to the creator’s world; it has potential to instill desire in the viewer to do something they have never done, be somewhere they have never been and inspire to fulfill a dream or goal. Additionally, Art may possibly allow the artist to illustrate their own perception of a place or even attempt to deceive the viewer. However, to truly understand how we see the world we†¦show more content†¦To illustrate this idea that perceptual experience may be different than what is real, consider the optical illusion. Artists such as Charles Allan Gilbert and M.C. Escher were masters of the craft of illusion in art. For example, in 1892 Charles Allan Gilbert drew a picture that he called â€Å"All is Vanity†. This piece o f artwork is an ambiguous optical illusion using a skull, which has been the object of many pieces of this type, where we see more than one thing in the picture. If we view the overall image, we see a human skull. When we focus on the details of the picture, we see a woman looking in her vanity mirror. If we look at a close-up, cropped image of All is Vanity, we dont see the skull we just see details of a woman sitting at her dressing table. However, if we expand our view, even without seeing the entire image, once we know were going to see a skull, we cant help but see it. Also, when we look at the picture from a distance, because of all the black surrounding it, once the details of the woman get distorted we still only see a skull. Additionally, M.C. Escher used his expertise in mathematics to create his optical illusions in art. He was fascinated with tessellations, which are arrangements of closed shapes that completely cover the plane without overlapping and without leaving gaps. Typically, the shapes making up a tessellation are polygons or similar regular shapes, such as the square tiles often used on floors. Escher,Show MoreRelatedThe Beginning Of The Twentieth Century1482 Words  | 6 PagesThe beginning of the twentieth century marked a significant event not just in the changes of ideology, technology, but also the way artists approach art. Communism and Fascism were on the rise and technological advances held strong since the industrial revolution. However, â€Å"The need for a wholesale new approach to art in the nineteenth century arose as the traditional forms of art were borne down on by new conditions and experiences.†(21) became apparent. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
A State, Political Economy And Governance - 2250 Words
6104: STATE, POLITICAL ECONOMY AND GOVERNANCE Assignment Encountering state and citizenship in daily life By Rohit Singh M.A. Previous socw 10965 WHAT IS STATE The word nation is derived from the Latin word ‘stare’(to endure) and more specifically from â€Å"status†(a standing or condition). But this is a very old concept so, its relation in present context need to be answered. Max Weber s,[7][8][9][10][11] which describes the state as a compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maintains amonopoly of the legitimate use of force within a certain territory. Most of us are the members of a state and live within the borders of one. We become part of a state even before we become aware about it , the registration of our birth, government hospitals, roads,etc all are part of few examples. What should define a state has been a part of debate by many political thinkers. Some thinkers consider state to be the most important part for modern political theories and say that is stae that comprises of the the topic that one needs to study in in political theory i.e. rights,democracy,equality,liberty are all part of the relation between the state and those living within it. The modern state arose between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe, and it spread to the rest of the world via conquest and colonialism. There are different approaches o the state also The functionalis approach to the state focuses on the role opurpose of theShow MoreRelatedState, Political Economy And Governance2407 Words  | 10 Pages STATE, POLITICAL ECONOMY AND GOVERNANCE ASSIGNMENT WORK Submitted by:- Mohit kumar M.A. (P), Read MoreState, Political, Economy And Governance2197 Words  | 9 PagesASSIGNMENT STATE , POLITICAL, ECONOMY AND GOVERNANCE PAPER NO- 6104 ENCOUNTERING STATE IN EVERYDAY LIFE SUBMITTED BY-NIKITA KATARIA ROLL NO- 10564(MA –PREVIOUS) STATE Different political scientists have given definitions of state. According to Aristotle, the father of political science, The state is an organization consisting some families and villages. According to Woodraw Wilson, State is a conglomeration of people within a definite territory organised by law. Professor GarnerRead MoreDemocracy And Good Governance Presents Its Own Problematic1573 Words  | 7 Pages Democracy and ‘good governance’ presents its own problematic. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Do Illegal Immigrants Hurt The Us Economy Essay - 2159 Words
The United States began its immigration policy soon after it won independence from Great Britain on July 4th, 1776. For over two hundred and forty years ago. The law has since been shaped through different eras and different political views over the years. In more recent years, unauthorized immigration law in particular has become a major topic. From our law making politicians, Congress, political debates and school; it has been one of the focused topics. Do Illegal immigrants hurt the US economy? This question has been a matter that has plagued so many for years without any perfect answer. Many hearts have been filled and troubled with lots of thoughts which have led to the question; how do unauthorized immigrants affect the US economy. Many might argue that immigrants do not pay enough in taxes to cover the public services they receive from the government at the present time. According to Maria Santana on CNN MONEY, illegal immigrant â€Å"Collectively, they paid an estimated $10.6 billion to state and local taxes in 2010, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). Illegal immigrant in most states does not qualify for welfare, food stamps and Medicaid. What most people seem to forget is that illegal immigrants do not even get any benefit from their daily job, some have no name or record if anything was to happen in their line of work. Some employers see them as dispensable with no question. Yet, these same employers take out taxes, Medicare and otherShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Immigration On The Us Economy929 Words  | 4 Pagesnumber of immigrants entering the United States legally is greater today than it was at the turn of the century, so as the US economy. US economy has proved to be raised dramatically in the past few years. This made me think about Immigration and the US economy on a same page in my mind. Many questions started populating in my head such as Does immigration in some way affect the US economy? If yes, how? After doing some research, I found that Immigration plays an important role in the US economy. I’llRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is Defined As The Phenomenon Of Entering And A Territory Without Any Government s Approval1442 Words  | 6 PagesFadil Bourkouli Professor Worley Throme English 101-3007 02/15/2016 Final Draft Research Paper Illegal immigration is defined as the phenomenon of entering and living in a territory without any government’s approval; In fact, it has lately raised a considerable debate on the pretext of the fact that it is an image of threat and weakness for the country. Many researches proved that the percentage of undocumented people is shooting up each year particularly in the United States as it is consideredRead MoreIllegal Immigrants in America Essay1001 Words  | 5 PagesIllegal Immigration in America Illegal immigration has caused a lot of controversy within the United States. The media has influenced our society to make us believe that illegal immigrants are horrible people. One thing that I have learned throughout life is, â€Å"Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains (Rousseau 4).†This sums up how society dictates our lives and limits us to what the media wants to us to believe. Whether it is legal or illegal, everybody should be treated equally. IllegalRead MoreCan Illegal Immigrants Boost The American Economy? Essay1382 Words  | 6 PagesCan Illegal Immigrants Boost the American Economy? A standout amongst the most intense discussions all over the United States these days is the topic of immigration. Immigration is the activity of coming to live permanently in another nation. In particularly, there are a huge number of issues surrounding unauthorized immigrants who remain in America. As a rule, the media likes to celebrate the negative parts of this issue to advance their own plan and outlook on the subject. In fact, illegalRead MoreDo Illegal workers help or hurt the economy1582 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Do Illegal Workers Help or Hurt the Economy? While growing up in Mexico, I heard many stories of people who were going to work in the United States, some illegally, so they could provide a better life for their families. To them, they were going to the land of opportunity, where jobs were plentiful for people who were willing to work hard. They planned to go to the United States and do the work that Americans didn’t want, while getting paid more than they could make in Mexico. ManyRead MoreThe Official Definition Of Illegal Is â€Å"Contrary To Or Forbidden1517 Words  | 7 PagesThe official definition of illegal is â€Å"contrary to or forbidden by law†. The definition of an Immigrant is â€Å"an individual who comes to live permanently in a foreign country†. Therefore Illegal Immigrants are foreigners who enter another country, the United States of America, without a Visa. They cross the border by avoiding inspection and overstay the allotted period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or business person. There are 12 million illegal immigrants in America today. How is the possibleRead MoreEssay on Immigration Issues Between UU And Mexico1256 Words  | 6 Pagesundocumented immigrants living in the United States. For undocumented immigrants from Mexico, population experts have discovered that there is a constant flow of both immigrants into the US and leaving the US . This is the primary reason why the exact number remains unknown. Mexicans make up the single largest group of undocumented workers. Many cross illegally into the United States each year looking for work. Experts suggest that many of these workers acquire low-paying jobs that do not last longRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1732 Words  | 7 Pages In 2012, a recent study found that there were nearly 11 million illegal immigrants in our nation s border. This has been a recurring problem going on since the late 19th century, when the federal law was passed which prohibited entry of convicts and prostitutes. Although this isn t the case of everyone crossing our nation s borders, it is still a national problem. Not allowing more people to infiltrate our country will provide Americans with more jobs, will lower the incarceration rates, andRead MoreDACA Essay1538 Words  | 7 PagesCNN, on September 5, US Attorney General Jefferson Sessions gradually terminated Mr. Obama’s policy of â€Å"Dreamers†, which is DACA (De ferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and will be completely terminated in six months. This policy was introduced in 2012 to allow illegal immigrants who, under 16 years old enter the United States to apply for two-year repatriation and to allow them to apply for a work permit. As this policy allows renewal, it essentially allows illegal immigrant children to live permanentlyRead MoreFamily Values Linda Chavez Summary1304 Words  | 6 PagesAre Immigrants actually hurting America? In the article â€Å"Supporting Family Values†Linda Chavez writes to inform Americans about immigrants. In American people make the assumption that immigrants are here to hurt America instead of improving America. In reality there is only a small group of immigrants that hurt America. People need to separate the groups to realize that there are immigrants who help America and that they should be allowed to stay in America under certain circumstances. Immigrants
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The United States And The Civil Rights Movement - 1727 Words
The most violent element in society is ignorance. Throughout American history there have been many conflicts that have emerged in society because the majority did not want to accept the privileges of different individuals owing to the fact of their race, religion, language, sex and other status distinctions. An example of this in the United States was the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s through the 1960s. African Americans fought to assert their full rights as Americans. Women fought to be able to stand next to a man in any profession and receive equal pay and respect. Now, since the late 1960s it is the homosexuals who still struggle for their equal rights. The homosexuals movement is a civil rights movement that advocates for equivalent and social rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual or â€Å"LGBT†community in America. Homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexual in the United States because the Declaration of Independence gives all Ameri cans natural rights. The constitution guarantees to each person of the United States equal protection under the laws. Freedom from discrimination is a basic human right. Marriage is about love and supporting one another The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the American political tradition. It articulates the fundamental ideas that form the American nation and gives all Americans natural rights. According to this document it says, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all menShow MoreRelatedThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States1668 Words  | 7 PagesThe civil rights movement in the USA in the 1950’s and 1960’s.can be termed as a democratic movement. The basic reason behind this was the discrimination of the African-Americans that were enslaved and did not have citizen rights. The African-Americans protested greatly against their injustice. The birth of the civil rights movement was before the 1954 Supreme Court’s decision on Brown versus Board of Education (Topeka) which stated that separate but equal schools was against the Constitution. FromRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement in the United States1401 Words  | 6 PagesSocial movements are one of the primary means through which the public is able to collectively express their concerns about the rights and wellbeing of themselves and others. Under the proper conditions, social movements not only shed light on issues and open large scale public discourse, but they can also serve as a means of eliciting expedited societal change and progress. Due to their potential impact, studying the characteristics of both failed and successful social movements is important inRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States1157 Words  | 5 PagesAnd by virtue of the power and for the purpose of the aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States and parts of States are and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons.†(CITE TEXT) It took just over 100 years f or African-Americans to achieve the dream that Abraham Lincoln envisioned nearly a centuryRead MoreThe United States And The Civil Rights Movement903 Words  | 4 Pagesstrength of the civil rights movement struck the attention of political figures that influenced calls to reform the U.S. immigration policy. In the 1920’s immigration was based on the national-origins quota system. The system assigned each nationality a quota, which restricted immigration on the basis of existing proportions of the population due to its representation in past U.S. census figures. The goal of the quota system was to maintain the existing ethnic composition of the United States. However,Read MoreThe United States Of The Civil Rights Movement1803 Words  | 8 Pagesmany wars in the United States of America occurring. After World War two things began to change. The Soviet Union and United States of America had many differences. Even the world after World War Two was very different than befor e. A doctrine of containment was developed and programs began to be put in place due to this doctrine. There was also a Cold War and there were many important causes that lead to this war. The United States also had a lot going on because of the Civil-rights revolution. ThisRead MoreThe United States And The Civil Right Movement1594 Words  | 7 Pagesthe United States more than two million people are incarcerated and seven million are under correctional supervision. There are 13 million adults that have been convicted of a felony and 47 million American have something on their record. Having a felony has attained a newfound relevance in the United States (King, 2006) . In many states begin a felon come with obstacles both informal and formal in the lives of people with a felony convicted. In the midst of the growing civil right movement, theRead MoreThe Civil Right Movement Of The United States1712 Words  | 7 Pageswere only a climax of the protests and civil movements du ring the time period. Not only segregation, racial inequality has also existed for hundreds of years- it is only during these specific years that the conflict and involvement of citizens across the country peaked through the use of protests as well as the influential people that led them. While influential leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. led the Civil Right Movement, segregation in the United States continued to affect the daily life ofRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States3431 Words  | 14 PagesThe civil rights movement began to influence view about people with disabilities. Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954, the US supreme court ruled that it was unlawful under the fourteenth amendment to discriminate subjectively against any group of people. The court applied this to the education of children. Soon people with disabilities were acknowledged as another group whose rights had often been dishonored because of discrimination. Pennsylvania Assoc for Ret arded Children v. Commonwealth (1972)Read MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States1914 Words  | 8 Pagescollective systems meant to dictate how the masses who believe in and follow them, live and act. Each institution has its own collective set of rules, often times mostly unspoken, to guide what others in the institution should be doing in terms of right and wrong. But these rules are never fixed and may fluctuate with changes in leadership or environment among other things. The fluctuations of these rules mean that they must often be tested by people more on the fringe of the institution in orderRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Of The United States Of America2015 Words  | 9 PagesUntil the 19th century, no abortion laws existed in the United States of America. By the 1880s, most states had banned abortion except in cases where it was necessary to save the mother’s life. The cause of this shift in attitude can largely be attributed to the American Med ical Association, founded in 1847. The organization wanted to stop unlicensed abortions by forcing the people giving them out of business. Religious leaders supported the American Medical Association’s move and worked with
Buenavista Plywood Corporation Free Essays
Buenavista Plywood Corporation The Problem The problem confronting Mr. Antonio Garcia, the Plant Superintendent of Buenavista Plywood Corporation is how to deal with the absentee rates of the employees from Bohol such that the production of the plant will operate at capacity, with adequate workforce and the interests of the company and employees be served. Objectives More specifically, the problem resolves itself into the following objectives which Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Buenavista Plywood Corporation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Garcia has to achieve in the course of action he has to take: 1. To maintain a stable and reliable workforce; 2. To protect the company’s reputation by avoiding confrontation with formal union groups; 3. To address production problems and costs; 4. To meet the rated capacity of the plant; 5. To safeguard the long-run profitability and stability of Buenavista Plywood Corporation. Situational Analysis The Buenavista Plywood Corporation was organized in Cagayan de Oro City in 1950 by the Santiago Family. Don Jose Santiago, the present head of the family, was well qualified to carry the traditions of this prominent family. The Santiagos have been involved in politics in nearby Bohol, the ancestral home. They had been pioneering industrialists in the plywood business. Don Jose had been an early advocate of local processing of lumber as opposed to the shipping of log abroad. VISTAWOOD, the trademark chosen for their plywood, was one of the first export plywood production in the Philippines. Late in the fall of 1960, at a time when the plant was operating at capacity, working three shifts a day, some representatives of a national labor organization gained the allegiance of a large group of workers to establish a union at VISTAWOOD. Over the period of several months, the union activists who were assigned to the logging concessions left the company at their own initiative. These events marked the end of any organized activity at VISTAWOOD. As a matter of general policy, management preferred to hire people from Bohol and even tolerate some irregularities due to this peculiar working arrangement, than to risk another confrontation with formal union organizations. In fact, Don Jose soon began to rely on political leverage this group of workers afforded him in his election campaigns in Bohol. Late in 1967, VISTAWOOD was facing serious production problems. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Fierce competition in the export market and decreasing selling prices, coupled with new duties being levied by importing countries had aggravated the situation. It was apparent to management that the only source of improvement would have to be the production function. Costs of operating the plant had been steadily rising without no accompanying rise in production volume. Mr. Antonio Garcia was brought to VISTAWOOD Superintendent in the hope that he could bring some improvements in the plywood plant. Discovering the absentee rate of the plant, Mr. Garcia began to examine this and other related problems at VISTAWOOD. It became increasingly clear that: (1) production was low and highly erratic and (2) one of the main causes of this gloomy situation was the unstable and unreliable workforce. The absentee rates fluctuated between 50% during Monday and Saturday nights and 30% during the rest of the week. Daily production was so adversely affected by this shifting workforce, that Sundays had to be regarded as regular work days but with higher labor costs. Mr. Garcia was convinced that the plant could be run on a six-day schedule and meets the rated capacity if an adequate workforce could be maintained in the ratio of 3:2. Decision Framework Constraints Given the problematic framework on situation described, Mr. Garcia now had to decide what to do with the problem on the imported workers from Bohol. The fluctuating absentee rates of these employees has resulted to serious problems such as the unstable, unreliable and inadequate workforce unable to meet the rated capacity at the plant and resulted to low and highly erratic roduction. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Aside from the fierce competition in the export market, decreasing selling prices, and rising production costs, imported workers from Bohol have created greater problems. Increasing the production volume through having an adequate stable workforce is the only solution to the problems faced by the company. And that would mean to fire those workers from Bohol who have absentee problems. These people create greater inefficiencies for the company. However, this will risk the company to face formal union organizations. And these would mean putting the company in bad public image ore reputation. Retaining the employees from Bohol will protect the company’s reputation but the absentee rates of these employees affect production costs and volume. And if not addressed will result to financial ruin for the company. Mr. Garcia is therefore caught in a seemingly difficult dilemma and has to formulate a decision which would both safeguard stability and profitability at the company and at the same time, protect the reputation of the company. DECISION ALTERNATIVES The following choices are open to Mr. Garcia: 1. Fine the employees from Bohol who have absentee problems but spell ruin on the company’s reputation; or 2. Retain the employees from Bohol but creates problems on the production costs and volume and eventually spell financial ruin to the company. RECOMMENDATION The first alternative to fine employees from Bohol is preferable given the following considerations: 1. It will decrease absentee rates of employees and having a stable and reliable workforce will result in meeting the rated capacity and volume of the plant. 2. It will dissociate political expediency from management decisions. 3. Mr. Garcia could talk to the workforce from Bohol to avoid establishing a union at VISTAWOOD. CONCLUSION Firing the workers from Bohol will address production problems of the company and insure the long-run stability and profitability of VISTAWOOD. Such a course of action, therefore, would achieve all the objectives set out earlier in the present dilemma. How to cite Buenavista Plywood Corporation, Essay examples
Buenavista Plywood Corporation Free Essays
Buenavista Plywood Corporation The Problem The problem confronting Mr. Antonio Garcia, the Plant Superintendent of Buenavista Plywood Corporation is how to deal with the absentee rates of the employees from Bohol such that the production of the plant will operate at capacity, with adequate workforce and the interests of the company and employees be served. Objectives More specifically, the problem resolves itself into the following objectives which Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Buenavista Plywood Corporation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Garcia has to achieve in the course of action he has to take: 1. To maintain a stable and reliable workforce; 2. To protect the company’s reputation by avoiding confrontation with formal union groups; 3. To address production problems and costs; 4. To meet the rated capacity of the plant; 5. To safeguard the long-run profitability and stability of Buenavista Plywood Corporation. Situational Analysis The Buenavista Plywood Corporation was organized in Cagayan de Oro City in 1950 by the Santiago Family. Don Jose Santiago, the present head of the family, was well qualified to carry the traditions of this prominent family. The Santiagos have been involved in politics in nearby Bohol, the ancestral home. They had been pioneering industrialists in the plywood business. Don Jose had been an early advocate of local processing of lumber as opposed to the shipping of log abroad. VISTAWOOD, the trademark chosen for their plywood, was one of the first export plywood production in the Philippines. Late in the fall of 1960, at a time when the plant was operating at capacity, working three shifts a day, some representatives of a national labor organization gained the allegiance of a large group of workers to establish a union at VISTAWOOD. Over the period of several months, the union activists who were assigned to the logging concessions left the company at their own initiative. These events marked the end of any organized activity at VISTAWOOD. As a matter of general policy, management preferred to hire people from Bohol and even tolerate some irregularities due to this peculiar working arrangement, than to risk another confrontation with formal union organizations. In fact, Don Jose soon began to rely on political leverage this group of workers afforded him in his election campaigns in Bohol. Late in 1967, VISTAWOOD was facing serious production problems. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Fierce competition in the export market and decreasing selling prices, coupled with new duties being levied by importing countries had aggravated the situation. It was apparent to management that the only source of improvement would have to be the production function. Costs of operating the plant had been steadily rising without no accompanying rise in production volume. Mr. Antonio Garcia was brought to VISTAWOOD Superintendent in the hope that he could bring some improvements in the plywood plant. Discovering the absentee rate of the plant, Mr. Garcia began to examine this and other related problems at VISTAWOOD. It became increasingly clear that: (1) production was low and highly erratic and (2) one of the main causes of this gloomy situation was the unstable and unreliable workforce. The absentee rates fluctuated between 50% during Monday and Saturday nights and 30% during the rest of the week. Daily production was so adversely affected by this shifting workforce, that Sundays had to be regarded as regular work days but with higher labor costs. Mr. Garcia was convinced that the plant could be run on a six-day schedule and meets the rated capacity if an adequate workforce could be maintained in the ratio of 3:2. Decision Framework Constraints Given the problematic framework on situation described, Mr. Garcia now had to decide what to do with the problem on the imported workers from Bohol. The fluctuating absentee rates of these employees has resulted to serious problems such as the unstable, unreliable and inadequate workforce unable to meet the rated capacity at the plant and resulted to low and highly erratic roduction. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Aside from the fierce competition in the export market, decreasing selling prices, and rising production costs, imported workers from Bohol have created greater problems. Increasing the production volume through having an adequate stable workforce is the only solution to the problems faced by the company. And that would mean to fire those workers from Bohol who have absentee problems. These people create greater inefficiencies for the company. However, this will risk the company to face formal union organizations. And these would mean putting the company in bad public image ore reputation. Retaining the employees from Bohol will protect the company’s reputation but the absentee rates of these employees affect production costs and volume. And if not addressed will result to financial ruin for the company. Mr. Garcia is therefore caught in a seemingly difficult dilemma and has to formulate a decision which would both safeguard stability and profitability at the company and at the same time, protect the reputation of the company. DECISION ALTERNATIVES The following choices are open to Mr. Garcia: 1. Fine the employees from Bohol who have absentee problems but spell ruin on the company’s reputation; or 2. Retain the employees from Bohol but creates problems on the production costs and volume and eventually spell financial ruin to the company. RECOMMENDATION The first alternative to fine employees from Bohol is preferable given the following considerations: 1. It will decrease absentee rates of employees and having a stable and reliable workforce will result in meeting the rated capacity and volume of the plant. 2. It will dissociate political expediency from management decisions. 3. Mr. Garcia could talk to the workforce from Bohol to avoid establishing a union at VISTAWOOD. CONCLUSION Firing the workers from Bohol will address production problems of the company and insure the long-run stability and profitability of VISTAWOOD. Such a course of action, therefore, would achieve all the objectives set out earlier in the present dilemma. How to cite Buenavista Plywood Corporation, Essay examples
International Management Managing Borders -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The International Management Managing Borders? Answer: Introducation Philippines, formally identified as the Republic of the Philippines, can be considered to be a self-governing island nation in Southeast Asia. Essentially, the unemployment rate of Philippines was approximately 5.475% of the entire labour force. The gross domestic product (GDP) was recorded to be PHP 8113.17 billion in 2016 and nominal GDP was documented to be PHP 14449.93 billions (Warner 2014). Reports suggest that Purchasing power parity founded per capita GDP was approximated to be USD 7728.07 and government's income was approximately PHP 2813.22 billion while the expenses were necessarily PHP 2869.53 billion (Warner 2014). Particularly, this led to negative borrowing standing at PHP 56.312 billion during 2016 reflecting that adequate financial resources were not obtainable to enhance economic growth. This poor economic condition can be regarded as a matter of concern. However, in spite of stubbornly higher levels of inequality in income, countrys middle class section is intensif ying and generating enhanced demand for modern products such as (trendy dresses) in this case (Morschett et al. 2015). Plans to deal with their concerns and to ensure a long term cooperative relationships The business can assume the strategic measures of penetrating into an international market. The low cost strategy can be used in this regard for delivering products at low cost. Thus, the company can adopt the stratagem of selling trendy dresses at lower prices in comparison to the competitors (Deresky 2017). The major concern of income inequality can be taking the path of low cost, reducing costs and thereafter passing the savings to consumers in terms of low prices. References Deresky, H., 2017.International management: Managing across borders and cultures. Pearson Education India. Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H. and Zentes, J., 2015.Strategic international management(pp. 978-3658078836). business. Warner, M., 2014.Culture and management in Asia. Routledge.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Picture Of Dorian Gray Essays (833 words) - English-language Films
Picture Of Dorian Gray Art, what is Art? It is an ambiguous matter: without an exact form, an exact meaning. Does it have any rules or restrictions? However, it can be a great influence on the lives of people. In the novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, two lovers have fell in and out of love due to Art! Dorian Gray found Sibyl charming because of her Art! She has not merely art, consummate art-instinct in her, but she has personality also; and you have often told me that it is personalities, not principles, that move the age (63). Sibyl is an actress. She is formed by others: no self is without external influence. Therefore, Art that expresses the self is less valuable than art which expresses the influence of others. The special thing that made Dorian mad about her is that she is more than an individual. I (Dorian) have seen her in every age and in every costume. Ordinary women never appeal to one s imagination. No glamour ever transfigures them (59). By imagination that Sibyl has the power to arouse, she can be of any characteristics. Art has no set form, but the purpose of art is to give form to feeling. Now, Sibyl is a person that is able to provide all kinds of feelings that Dorian wishes to experience. Dorian finds extreme pleasure in experiencing through all the sentiments that Sibyl gives. Being a spectator to the different lives and stories amuses Dorian: one evening Sibyl is Juliet, next evening she is Imogen, another night, she is Roselind. Art is something that arouse imaginations, imaginations of the viewer. In order for imagination to live, reality must not exist. She regarded me merely as a person in a play. She knows nothing of life (61). Art is not real , or, rather, it forms its own type of reality, its own world. Kbefore I knew you (Dorian), acting was the one reality of my life. It was only in the theatre that I lived. I thought that it was all true (95). Before Sibyl fell in love with Dorian, she lives in a world or Art, a world of imaginations. That great pureness of Art is so powerful that she can spiritualize her audiences, and give them a soul if they lived without one, create the sense of beauty in people whose lives have been sordid and ugly. Art has the power to bring people into a place where they have not been, or a place that they don t have the opportunity to go to in the reality. Dorian has realized, I love acting. It is so much more real than life (88). Real life is so limited as to in acting, a man can live any scene that he can possibly think of. Dorian s rejection of Sibyl came upon one night that Sibyl has lost her magic. A night that her acting lost the power to attract and charm the audiences. Good artists exist simply in what they make, and consequently are perfectly uninteresting in what they are (64). That night, she spoke the words as though they conveyed no meaning to her Kshe was absolutely self-contained. It was simply bad art. She was a complete failure (93). Sibyl has become herself! She has gotten out of the world of imagination into the real world, into what she is, herself! Sibyl s mind is occupied by Dorian. You are more to me than all art can ever be (96). Now, all the wonderful influences that Sibyl had, have been wiped out, but the influence of Dorian Gray. She tried to show Dorian of her love for him, but as the author of the book mentioned in the Preface, No artist desires to prove anything. Sibyl is no longer an artist. There is no more imagination for she is a person, an individual now, a Sibyl that is in love with Dorian, and Dorian only. There is no more curiosity that Dorian can have of her. You have killed my love (96). Dorian didn t loved Sibyl, he loves Art! How little you can know of love, if you say it mars your art! Without your art you are nothing (97). Anything without Art is plain to Dorian. Dorian s philosophy of Romance is consist of infinite imaginations, beauty, personality, and attraction of curiosity, --which is Art. Dorian have found so much imaginations to Sibyl as she acted in Shakespare s play, but how come he could
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Internet regulation, Government Intervention of the Internet
Internet regulation, Government Intervention of the Internet During the past decade, our society has become based solely on the ability to move large amounts of information across large distances quickly. Computerization has influenced everyone's life. The natural evolution of computers and this need for ultra-fast communications has caused a global network of interconnected computers to develop. This global net allows a person to send E-mail across the world in mere fractions of a second, and enables even the common person to access information world-wide. With advances such as software that allows users with a sound card to use the Internet as a carrier for long distance voice calls and video conferencing, this network is key to the future of the knowledge society. At present, this net is the epitome of the first amendment: free speech. It is a place where people can speaktheir mind without being reprimanded for what they say, or how they choose to say it.American Civil Liberties UnionThe key to the world-wide success of the Internet is its protection of free speech, not only in America, but in other countries where free speech is not protected by a constitution. To be found on the Internet is a huge collection of obscene graphics, Anarchists' cookbooks and countless other things that offend some people. With over 30 million Internet users in the U.S. alone (only 3 million of which surf the net from home), everything is bound to offend someone. The newest wave of laws floating through law making bodies around the world threatens to stifle this area of spontaneity. Recently, Congress has been considering passing laws that will make it a crime punishable by jail to send 'vulgar' language over the net, and to export encryption software. No matter how small, any attempt at government intervention in the Internet will stifle the greatest communication innovation of...
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Rhinotillexis on the Decline
Rhinotillexis on the Decline Rhinotillexis on the Decline Rhinotillexis on the Decline By Maeve Maddox You may be pleased to hear that rhinotillexis is on the downturn, at least in public places. This lovely term means picking ones nose with ones fingers. In an article by Jim Shahin in the February 15, 2008 issue of American Way, I learned that a Harvard study reveals that rhinotillexis is down 70% from the year before. The decline is attributed to the fact that cameras are everywhere and people are becoming more cautious about the activity for fear of showing up on YouTube and grossing out their friends. The element rhino occurs in several English words. The animal (rhinoceros) gets its name from the combination rhino nose and keras horn. People hardly ever use the entire word anymore when speaking of the animal. Certainly calling it a rhino makes forming its plural much easier. A scholarly plural of rhinoceros is rhinocerotes. Ive never heard anyone say that. A more familiar plural is rhinoceroses, but thats hard to say and it sounds comical. A television ad selling a cold product shows a rhinoceros and tells viewers that the source of the common cold is the rhinovirus. Rhino occurs in other medical terms. People dissatisfied with the noses they were born with can opt for rhinoplasty, cosmetic surgery that alters the shape of the nose. Rhinoscopy is a technique for examining the nose and throat. If you are writing in a humorous vein and wish to describe someone who has a big nose, you could use the adjective rhinocerical. Something I didnt know before researching rhino is that it has been used as a slang word for money since 1688. Could be that this use of the word has something to do with the origin of the expression paying through the nose. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How Many Tenses in English?A While vs Awhileâ€Å"Least,†â€Å"Less,†â€Å"More,†and â€Å"Mostâ€
Monday, February 17, 2020
Legal Aspects of Safety and Health Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Legal Aspects of Safety and Health - Case Study Example To start with the company has ensured that the receptionist is fully aware of who to contact in case OSHA inspectors come knocking. Therefore, the OSHA inspector being at the reception office does not worry me much as the receptionist cannot allow them to speak to anyone else apart from me in this scenario. Furthermore, the receptionist is trained to take their time before allowing entry of such a visitor so as to buy little time for immediate and thorough preparation. After enough time is bought at the reception, I will gladly receive the officer and immediately request them to present their credentials and offer an explanation of the inspection as well as its purpose and scope. In case there are records they may wish to view, then it is important to know about it forehand. Requesting for this ensures that the officer is rightfully from OSHA as I also buy time for further preparations in the main facility since the receptionist is to inform relevant employees of a likely OSHA inspec tion. All these happen in the opening conference where I will also ask for a copy of the employee’s complaint (although the name will be deleted) to be aware of the specific issues raised. A warrant or subpoena should be presented and I will read it carefully to see the extent of the inspection. After all the above are fulfilled, the inspector may proceed while I accompany them throughout the inspection trying to maintain calm and professionalism. The key to such a situation will be to ask as many questions as possible to avoid questions from them while answering what I am asked truthfully but without volunteering information. Taking notes of comments and situations inspected is also important as well as taking photographs as similar as possible to those the official takes. I will try to make us take as little time as possible at the renovation site by wasting time on irrelevant areas. When at the renovation site there is likelihood that a hazard will be found since productio n is also continuing. The rule is not to agree that any hazard amounts to a violation. In order to demonstrate good faith the company will fix the possible violations after consultations with professionals and other company officials immediately after the closing conference. Consultations will be on the legal implications and remedies available together with their merits and drawbacks. Serious Near-Miss Crane Incident Near miss situations are quite serious especially when OSHA officials are involved. Heavy fines may be in the offing but every situation can be handled with care to prevent grave consequences. The most important concerns in this scenario include the evidence of injuries caused to workers, the claim that the 20 ton crane was trying to hoist 28-30 tons at the time of near-miss accident and that OSHA has been notified of the same in the name of â€Å"imminent danger†. These issues are critical and should be handled with care considering that they have been voiced b y the employees. Since OSHA has been contacted by an employee, there is a high chance that too much information will be flying their side during interviews with employees. In case evidence is found and concrete enough to warrant a citation, then the company stands to lose a great deal. Considering that the incident is fresh it is critical to acquaint myself with a number of issues. One is to get information regarding truthfulness that
Monday, February 3, 2020
The High Education and Economic Growth in China Essay
The High Education and Economic Growth in China - Essay Example Add to that the institutions operate can play major role in different contexts and also face certain challenges also. E.g. a university in China built in an urban area would look quite different than one built in a rural area Kolb, 2008, p. 92). There would also be difference in the modus operand. Here it needs to be mentioned that the higher education institutions include various vocational training colleges, technical colleges as well as informal institutions. In the context of the present study development has not been restricted to macroeconomic forces only. The improvement of human condition, quality of living, etc, has also been focused upon. The study has been conducted in order to analyze the major higher education transformation in China since 1999 and the impact of the transformation on the economy of the country. The commitment of the country to achieve continuous growth through major up gradation and production of new ideas has been reflected in the five year last and pre sent ongoing five year plan of the country (Burgemeister, 2003, p. 192). The educational transformation strategy mainly focuses on the commitments towards tertiary education to achieve significant changes in the overall style. The study discusses the amount of changes in the labour force China with reference to the supply of global labour as well as the type of profession. The number of graduate and under graduate students on the country has been growing since 1999 by almost 30% each and every year. Most of the spending made by the government is focused upon the new academic projects and the premier universities to extract the best talents possible. China has also been trying to upgrade the skills and the quality or production by increasing the higher educational reserve inputs.... This paper approves that during the focus group discussion the respondents felt that there is very little doubt over the fact that the educational expansion in China has played a major role in the economic growth of the country. But in between that the country has to face some steep challenges due to the growth of education. This paper makes a conclusion that the education reform in China, which was initiated in the late 70’s, has made vast contributions to the overall economic growth the country. The investments made by the country to develop and promote human capital have helped the country to improve the lifestyle in the urban and rural regions and narrow the gap both economically and socially in the regions. The focus of the government is not just on quantity but on quality as the institutions are focusing on the meeting international standards. However, the educational expansion has created income inequality and increased the rate of unemployment. However, the entry of China in WTO has encouraged investments by several major firms in the country. This has created job opportunities. The experts feel that the government has to focus on the bottom of the pyramid in order to ensure uniform distribution of educational expansion however it is being felt that based on the current success and initiat ives taken by the government that educational reforms would continue to play a major role in the economic reforms and China would continue to emerge as one of the most emerging economies in the world.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Polymerase Chain Reaction Pcr
The Polymerase Chain Reaction Pcr The polymerase chain reaction was first developed in 1983 by Kary Mullis. This reaction is commonly used in molecular biology to amplify and generate thousands to millions of copies of specific DNA sequences across several orders of magnitude (4-1). It relies on thermal cycling, consisting of cycles of denaturation, primer (short DNA fragment) annealing and primer extension (4-7). PCR can also be used for the analysis of RNA sequences and to qualitatively detect RNA expression levels through creation of complementary DNA (cDNA) transcripts from RNA by use of reverse transcriptase. This technique is called reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) (5-2). Although PCR and RT-PCR have revolutionized many areas of biomedical science, they are not suitable for the quantitative analysis of analysis of samples. Hence, real-time or quantitative PCR (qPCR) techniques need to be employed (5-8, 5-9). RT- qPCR distinguishes itself from other methods available for gene expression, such as northern-blot analysis, ribonuclease (RNase) protection assay and competitive RT-PCR, in term of accuracy, sensitivity and fast results (2,6). RT-qPCR does not required post-amplification manipulation and it can produce quantitative data with wide dynamic range of detection (7 to 8 logs). In addition, RT-qPCR assay is 10,000 to 100,000-fold more sensitive than RNase protection assays and 1000-fold more sensitive than dot blot hybridization (3). RT- qPCR also can even detect a single copy of a specific transcript and can reliably detect gene expression differences as small as 23% between samples (3-6, 3-7). Furthermore, it has lower coefficients variation (cv; TaqMan at 24%; SYBR Green at 14.2%) than end point assays such as probe hybridization and band densitometry (45.1%; 44.9% respectively) (3-8). RT- qPCR can differentiate between messenger RNAs (mRNAs) with almost identical sequences and requires much less RNA template than other methods of gene expression analysis. Because of this, RT- qPCR has established itself as the gold standard for the detection and quantification of RNA targets (1-2,2). Furthermore, it is firmly established as a mainstream research technology (1-3). However, the major disadvantage of RT-qPCR is that required expensive equipment and reagents (3). The principle of RT-qPCR is straight forward: following the reverse transcription of RNA in to cDNA, it needs an appropriate detection chemistry to dete ct the presence of PCR products, an instrument to monitor the amplification in real-time and compatible software for quantitative analysis. RT- qPCR is characterized by the point in time during cycling when a PCR product amplification is first detected (Figure 1, 1). A direct relationship between the starting copy number of the nucleic acid target and the time required to observe fluorosence increasing. Nowadays, there are four fluorescent DNA probes available for RT-qPCR detection of PCR products: TaqMan, SYBR Green, Molecular Beacons, and Scorpions. All of them generate a florescent signal to allow the detection of PCR products. While the TaqMan probes, SYBR Green, Molecular Beacons, and Scorpions generation of fluorescence depend on Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) coupling of the dye molecule and a quencher moiety to the oligonucleotide substrates, the SYBR Green dye simply emits its fluorescent signal by binding to the double-strand DNA in solution (5-34). As RT-qPCR has extremely high sensitivity and reproducibility, in depth understanding of normalization techniques is imperative for accurate conclusions (6). Normalization of gene expression data is an essential component of a reliable RT-qPCR assay and it is used to control for error between samples (7,3). This error could be introduced at one or more stages throughout the experimental protocol; (input sample, RNA extraction, etc.) however, there are many strategies to control this error ( please, read the discussion section strategies for more details). Currently, internal control genes, which are often referred to as housekeeping genes, are most frequently used to normalize the messenger RNA (mRNA) fraction. This housekeeping gene should remain constant in the tissues on cells under investigation, or in response to experimental treatment (8, 8-69, 8-70, 6,7). In addition, the ideal housekeeping genes should by stably expressed, and their abundances should show strong correlation w ith mRNA total amounts present in the samples (8). Consequently, normalization against a single housekeeping gene in not acceptable and can falsely bias results unless the researchers present clear evidence for the reviewers that confirms its invariant expressions conditions described (3,8-71,8-73). In this study we carried out an evaluation the gene expression of three commonly used housekeeping genes (GAPDH, ÃŽÂ ²-action, ALAS1) in three different cell lines which are derived from T-cell leukemia, B-cell lymphoma and myeloid leukemia, using RT-qPCR as an analytical tool. Our goal was to recognize a housekeeping gene with minimal variability under different experimental conditions. Materials and Methods: Samples, RNA handling and isolation: Cell line pellets (5-10X106 cells) which have been frozen in 0.5 ml TRIsure Reagent (Bioline code BIO-38033). Cell lines are: Jurkat, CEM-C7 and MOLT-4 (all T-cell leukemia-derived); SKW 6.4, BJAB and JeKo-1 (all B-cell lymphoma-derived); and HL-60, NB4 and K562 (all derived from myeloid leukemia). RNA was isolated from cell pellets using Trizol procedure. However, isolating and handling RNA ask for special precautions because naked RNA is highly susceptible to degradation by ribonucleases (RNases) (1). RNases are found everywhere and they are very stable and active enzymes that do not require metal ion co-factors to function and can maintain activity even after prolonged autoclaving or boiling. So that, all equipment and reagents should be treated to inactive RNases prior to use. Wearing gloves while handling reagents and RNA samples, changing gloves frequently, keeping tubes closed whenever possible and keeping isolated RNA on ice when aliquots are pipetted for downstream applications could prevent RNase contamination. We are used sterile, disposable plastic ware and they were RNase-free and do not require pretreatment to inactive RNAses (8-46,8-47). The quantity of the isolated RNA was determined by nanodrop spectrophotometry (absorbance at 260 nm of a 40ÂÂ µg/ml soluti on of RNA is 1.0) using nuclease-free water as a blank. A sample was reserved for quality assurance (see below) and the remainder was stored at -80 degree centigrade for one week. Gel electrophoresis (quality assurance of RNA) : The quality of the isolated RNA was verified by agarose gel electrophoresis. The gel was run at 100V for 30 minutes and photograph under UV transillumination. DNA digestion: A DNase digestion step was performed as a precaution using RQ1 RNase-free DNase kit although the TRIzol method generally results in RNA which is essentially free from genomic DNA (2). A sample was reserved for reverse transcription (see below) and the remainder was stored at -80 degree centigrade. Reverse transcription: 11 ÂÂ µL of DNase-treated sample was reverse transcripted, using Superscript II reverse transcriptase, to complementary (cDNA) by random hexamer priming.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
I have chosen to analyse two Wordsworth poems, “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” and “The World is Too Much With Us”
At one stage in his life, Wordsworth was greatly influenced by William Godwin, a philosopher who claimed that salvation lay only in reason perfected by education. Wordsworth adopted these Neo classic views for four years until he nearly suffered a nervous breakdown. Neo classicist writers believed that poetry had to be â€Å"fancier†than prose; they did not think of nature as a teacher as the Romantic writers did, they thought that reason was the prime source of inspiration and emotion was inferior to thought and they thought that poetry should be about people in high society; humble life was contemptuously ignored. After four years Wordsworth turned his back on Neo classicism and turned towards Romanticism. Romanticism was the idea that nature teaches the only important knowledge to man. The next philosopher to influence Wordsworth was Hartley, who taught that the mind was a â€Å"blank slate†until sensation introduced ideas into it, that sensation was the basis of all knowledge. Wordsworth, in his preface to the Lyrical Ballads insisted that poetry should be about the evocation of emotion and the inculcation of awareness through the artistic examination of immediate experience – poetry should be about how we emotionally respond to our experiences. For Wordsworth, the earth was not a dead thing, but full of life, full of the breath of the infinite Being. Composed upon Westminster Bridge shows Wordsworth apparently appreciating the beauty of a great city – though it is characteristic of his love for solitude that the poem is set in the early morning, when there is no noise or bustle. It has a calm, slow rhythm, which could represent the river, which adds to the relaxed atmosphere of the poem. The World is Too Much With Us embodies one of the main ideas of Romantic poetry – that in our daily life we have lost touch with the renewing powers of nature. The slow rhythm adds to the sombre, bitter mood of the poem. Both poems are written in the form of a Petrarchan Sonnet, which is divided into an octave (eight lines) and a sestet (six lines) by the rhyme scheme abbaabba cdcdcd. The essence of the Petrarchan sonnet is the unequal relationship between the octave and sestet. This structure is one of observation and conclusion, or statement and counter statement. In the octave of Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Wordsworth seems to be praising the city of London but the turn after the octave is a shift of feeling that develops the subject of the poem by surprise to its conclusion. In the sestet, Wordsworth praises the beauty of the morning that envelops the city. What seemed to be a celebration of London is actually a celebration of the beauty of the morning. The octave of The World is Too Much With Us plays with the idea that we have sold our souls to the material world and in doing so broken our bonds with nature. The sestet offers a solution to the problem, to go back to a less cultured, out of date society, the Pagans, and worship nature. Wordsworth was writing during the Industrial Revolution when society was becoming increasingly reliant upon mass production and there was a growth of towns and cities. These circumstances obviously affected Wordsworth – the majority of Romantic poetry is about nature whereas Composed upon Westminster Bridge is about the beauty of a city in the morning. Wordsworth used simple, everyday language that ordinary man could understand. The title â€Å"Composed upon Westminster Bridge†could be a pun; the word â€Å"composed†might also represent how the poet is feeling. Wordsworth suggests that people would have no sensibility if they could â€Å"pass by/ A sight so touching in its majesty. †The words â€Å"touching†and â€Å"majesty†suggests how powerfully this scene affects him. The words â€Å"now doth†seem to suggest that this is a transitory moment of beauty that will soon pass. The simile â€Å"This city now doth, like a garment, wear/ The beauty of the morning;†hints that the poem is celebrating the beauty of the morning before man wakes up and pollutes it. The words â€Å"bright and glittering†make this sight seem valuable; the â€Å"b†and â€Å"g†and the repetition of the â€Å"i†sounds makes it sound crisp. Wordsworth then compares the city to the country saying that â€Å"Never did sun more beautifully steep/ In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill. †The awe-inspiring image of this moment touches him and he feels that it is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He uses the metaphor â€Å"that mighty heart is lying still,†as when the people have woken up the city is beating and pulsating. The overwhelming nature of the scene resonates within him and he teaches us that we too should be still and appreciate nature. What at first seemed to be a celebration of London is ostensibly a moral lesson on standing still and appreciating nature. Wordsworth was writing The World is Too Much With Us during the Agricultural Revolution when meadows and woodlands began to disappear. The title â€Å"The World is Too Much With Us†means that we are too concerned with the material world. Wordsworth uses the image of â€Å"getting and spending†to show the greed of our society. Our â€Å"powers†are our ability to appreciate nature and what she has to offer. â€Å"Little we see in Nature that is ours,†seems to suggest that if we don't own it, we don't want to know about it. â€Å"Sordid boon†suggests how bitter Wordsworth feels about how we have â€Å"given our hearts away†to the material world and betrayed nature. Wordsworth uses sensual imagery – â€Å"This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon,†and the simile describing the wind â€Å"like sleeping flowers†helps to add to the sombre mood of the poem and effectively describes nature as a thing of beauty. For our ignorance, we are â€Å"out of tune;†we are lost in the wrong environment and have lost the harmony between nature and ourselves, man is trying to dictate to nature. Wordsworth would â€Å"rather be a Pagan;†he would rather go back to an out of date society to become less cultured but closer to nature. He feels â€Å"forlorn†because he is out of tune with nature, he has to reject cultured things and be a Pagan to be truly happy. Proteus and Triton were sea gods in the â€Å"outworn†beliefs of Greek mythology. Wordsworth finds it appealing that the Greeks had gods of nature. This shows how they revered and appreciated nature. The poem teaches us that we should be getting back to nature instead of concerning ourselves with material possessions. Both poems address the same aspect of Wordsworth's poetry – that we have become desensitised towards nature and don't stop long enough in our daily lives to appreciate the beauty around us, instead we are concerned with â€Å"getting and spending,†although they do so in different ways. Like most of Wordsworth's poetry they both comment on man's complex relationship with nature and the world around us. Composed upon Westminster Bridge celebrates the beauty of the morning and how it can make the city of London more beautiful than â€Å"valley rock or hill†and how man cannot appreciate this whereas The World is Too Much With Us describes how we â€Å"lay waste our powers†and destroy nature.
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