Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Effects Of Environment On The Environment - 815 Words
Research Report Humans effect the environment in many ways, some negative and some positive. While learning about all of the problems people cause, in my opinion that population is the worst thing that humans are doing to our world, but that population cannot be looked at alone. It really goes hand in hand with overconsumption. With the population of earth as of 2014 being 7.1 billion and the United Nations projecting that by 2050 it will hit 8.1 billion we have to figure out a way to reduce what we are consuming. (Population Division Technical Paper No. 2011/3, n.d.) The effects on the environment that population causes cannot be looked at the same way for every person in the world. People in some countries are not going to have the same impact on the environment that someone who lives in another country would have. None the less population increases at the rate that it is growing everyone will have to consume less. As the Ehrilich’s have stated â€Å"Two billion people, a ll else being equal, put more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than one billion people. Two billion rich people disrupt the climate more than two billion poor people. Three hundred million Americans consume more petroleum than 1.3 billion Chinese.†(Paul R. Ehrlich, 2008) Right now with population growing at a rate much faster than ever before, on top of a need for more of everything. We are over consuming and using up our natural resources faster than we can replace them in most cases. We are usingShow MoreRelatedThe And Its Effects On The Environment967 Words  | 4 Pagescar’s tailpipe. The smoke could be adding to the slow death of our planet due to the fact that the exhaust is a dangerous soup of chemicals. I will showcase the three main threats directly linked to the chemicals in these fumes and their effects on the environment. Additionally, I will cover how the United States Government has reacted to these threats through regulations and other initiatives . Before addressing the chemicals, I need to explain gasoline’s link to them. In general terms, GasolineRead MoreThe And Its Effects On The Environment1962 Words  | 8 Pages Their location impacts many things about their culture as they are surviving based on their environment. For food, this tribe relies heavily on hunting and edible plants that grow naturally in the Amazon Rainforest in addition to their personal garden. Due to Chagnon reporting that the Yanamomi are incredibly violent many believed that they were savage hunters. However, only about 15-20% of their food is meat, the rest comes from their personal gardens which are mainly cared for by the women inRead MoreThe And Its Effects On The Environment1795 Words  | 8 PagesDavidson and Lightfoot, 2008). While all species interact with their environment to varying degrees, prairie dog (Cynomys spp.) colonies have unique and large influential impacts on other organisms and the ecosystem processes in North American grasslands. In this paper, it will show that moderate disturbances are an essential component to a successfully sustainable ecosystem and without them, there would be detrimental ef fects towards ecological processes necessary for greater biological heterogeneityRead MoreLiving Environment And Its Effects On The Environment Essay2142 Words  | 9 Pages â€Æ' INTRODUCTION Mangroves are salt-tolerant shrubs or small trees that live in coastal environment, where it has anorexic, waterlogged, soft mud and varied salinity. Mangroves mostly grow in warmer climates, because they cannot withstand freezing temperatures. Mangroves need to grow in shallow, quiet waters where the wave action is low so fine sediments can accumulate, and prevent rough, exposed waters uproot them or carry away the silt in which they would take root. They can tolerate being completelyRead MoreThe And Its Effect On The Environment972 Words  | 4 Pageswith optimized energy consumption while developing an application. Moreover, depending on the mobile devices, applications can be performed differently. Clearly, it represents a great challenge because of the volatile nature of mobile execution environment. The engineers must find the equilibrium between the power and the functionalities of the application to ensure that users don’t delete it from their phones to reduce energ y losses. Nonetheless, the dominant reason which motivates consumers toRead MoreThe Effects Of Water Pollution On Environment And The Environment1450 Words  | 6 Pagesharmful to living organisms. Excessive levels of pollution are causing a lot of damage to plants, and human and animal health, This is a major problem in the environment today; pollution effects are certainly prominent in todays world. Without realizing it we as humans contribute to the waste and contamination to both our bodies and the environment around us. In addition there are also many other causes to pollution seen and unseen. As previously mentioned contamination of water is a form of pollutionRead MoreThe And Its Effects On The Environment1312 Words  | 6 Pagesemissions as the rest of the world.†The United States, may be perhaps the most blind in the march to their imminent destruction. The head corporations, always throw down the EPA’s proposed regulations for CO2 emission to reduce the pois oning of the environment. In other developing countries CO2 emissions are to rise above 70% (Hiserodt 9). It may lead The developing countries are in need to maintain a balance of power, so many of them feel the need to forsake their traditions and modernize themselvesRead MoreEffects Of Deforestation On The Environment1389 Words  | 6 Pagesharmful deforestation can be towards the environment and the animals that inhabit the area. Many people don’t even know what deforestation is and that it’s actually happening. To sum it all up, deforestation is the process of destroying forests by cutting them down or burning the trees down, destroying hundreds of acres in order to make more land available for other uses thinking that the benefits outweigh the costs. However these â€Å"uses†leave negative effects causing the population of forests and animalsRead MoreFracking And Its Effects On The Environment856 Words  | 4 Pagesthe production of any other form of energy practically obsolete. Although not all countries or states in the United States think alike, some of them dispute the claim that fracking negatively affects the environment. For example, in France fracking is not permitted because of the harmful effects on the atmosphere. Likewise, some states in the US agree despite the fact that others disagree with this point of view. Fracking can be described as the process used to remove natural gas located beneathRead MoreThe Effects of Composting on the Environment835 Words  | 4 Pageshumans and the environment, including healthier soil, cleaner air, and money well spent on better resources. Composting, also known as nature’s natural way of recycling, is breaking down different food waste products biologically into a useful substance that can be used in gardens to make soil more rich and healthy (Composting Benefits). There are numerous benefits of composting food waste instead of carting it away to a landfill. First, composting has many benefits for the environment. When food is
Monday, December 16, 2019
Nursing MedSurg Lewis Free Essays
The nurse is caring for a patient suffering from anorexia secondary to chemotherapy. Which strategy would be most appropriate for the nurse to use to increase the patient’s nutritional intake? A. Serve three large meals per day plus snacks between each meal. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing MedSurg Lewis or any similar topic only for you Order Now B. Add items such as skim milk powder, cheese, honey, or peanut butter to selected foods. C. Increase intake of liquids at mealtime to stimulate the appetite. D. Avoid the use of liquid protein supplements to encourage eating at mealtime. 2. The patient Is receiving an IV visitant chemotherapy drug. The nurse notices swelling and redness at the site. What should the nurse do first? A. Call the ordering health care provider. B. Ask the patient If the site hurts. C. Administer sterile saline to the reddened area. D. Turn off the chemotherapy infusion. 3. The female patient is having whole brain radiation for brain metastasis. She is concerned about how she will look when she loses her hair. What is the best response by the nurse to this patient? A. â€Å"When your hair grows back it will be patchy. †â€Å"You should contact â€Å"Look Good, Feel Better†to figure out what to do about this. †B. â€Å"You can get a wig now to match your hair so you will not look different. D. C. Don’t use your curling iron and that will slow down the loss. †4. The patient has been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer. Which type of targeted therapy will most likely be used for this patient to suppress cell proliferation and promote programmed tumor cell death? A. BCC-ABLE tyrosine kinas inhibitors B. Proteas e inhibitors C. Epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinas inhibitors. CD monoclonal antibodies (Mob) 5. A 33-year-old patient has recently been diagnosed with stage II cervical cancer. What should the nurse understand about the patient’s cancer? A. It has diastase. B. It Is In situ. C. It has spread locally. D. It has spread extensively. 6. The patient was told that he would have Interpersonal chemotherapy. He asks the nurse when the IV will be started for the chemotherapy. What should the nurse teach the patient about this type of chemotherapy delivery? A. A Classic catheter will be preposterously placed into the peritoneal cavity for chemotherapy administration. B. It is delivered via an Mayo reservoir and extension 3 hours. D. The arteries supplying the tumor are accessed with surgical placement of a catheter connected to an infusion pump. . The patient is being treated with peripherally for cervical cancer. What factors must the nurse be aware of to protect herself when caring for this patient? A. The time the nurse spends at what distance from the patient B. The nutritional supplements that will help the patient C. The medications the patient is taking D. How much time is needed to provide the patient’s care 8. The patient and his family are upset that the patient is going through procedures to diagnose cancer. What nursing actions should the nurse use first to facilitate their coping with this situation (select all that apply)? A. Give them antiquity medications. B. Maintain hope. C. Exhibit a caring attitude. D. Be available to listen to fears and concerns. E. Teach them about all the types of cancer that could be diagnosed. F. Plan realistic long-term goals. 9. The laboratory reports that the cells from the patient’s tumor biopsy are Grade II. What should the nurse know about this histologist grading? A. Cells are abnormal and moderately differentiated. B. Cells are very abnormal and poorly differentiated. C. Cells are immature, primitive, and undifferentiated. D. Cells differ slightly from normal cells and are well-differentiated. 10. Previous administrations of chemotherapy agents to a cancer patient have resulted in diarrhea. Which dietary modification should the nurse recommend? A. A diet emphasizing whole and organic foods B. A bland, low-fiber diet C. A diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables D. A high-protein, high-calorie diet 1 1 . When caring for the patient with cancer, what does the nurse understand as the response of the immune system to antigens of the malignant cells? A. Tumor misdiagnoses B. Immunologic surveillance C. Immunologic escape D. Metastasis 12. The patient with breast cancer is having telegraphy radiation treatments after ere surgery. What should the nurse teach the patient about the care of her skin? A. Avoid heat and cold to the treatment area. B. Scented lotion can be used on the area. D. Wear the new bra to comfort and support the area. 13. Which cellular dysfunction in the process of cancer development allows defective cell proliferation? A. Cell differentiation B. Activation of nosecones C. Proto-nosecones D. Dynamic equilibrium 14. The patient is receiving biologic and targeted therapy for ovarian cancer. What medication should the nurse expect to administer before therapy to combat the most common side effects of these medications? A. Acetaminophen (Ethylene) B. Anderson (Saffron) C. Ibuprofen (David) D. Morphine sulfate 15. The nurse is caring for a patient receiving an initial dose of chemotherapy to treat a rapidly growing metastasis colon cancer. The nurse is aware that this patient is at risk for tumor lists syndrome (TLS) and will monitor the patient closely for which abnormality associated with this oncology emergency? A. Hypoglycemia B. Hypoglycemia C. Hypothermia’s D. Hypoglycemia 16. Which nursing diagnosis is most appropriate for a patient experiencing multiprocessing secondary to chemotherapy for cancer treatment? A. Hypothermia B. Acute pain C. Powerlessness D. Risk for infection 17. The patient has stomachache of the right leg. The unlicensed assisting personnel (ASAP) reports that the patient’s vital signs are normal, but the patient says he still has pain in his leg and it is getting worse. What assessment question should the nurse ask the patient to determine treatment measures for this patient’s pain? A. â€Å"Where is the pain? †B. â€Å"Do you use medications to relieve the pain? †C. â€Å"Is the pain getting worse? †D. â€Å"What does the pain feel like? †18. Which item would be most beneficial when providing oral care to a patient with atheistic cancer who is at risk for oral tissue injury secondary to chemotherapy? A. Hydrogen peroxide rinse B. Alcohol-based mouthwash C. Firm-bristle toothbrush 19. What can the nurse do to facilitate cancer prevention for the patient in the promotion stage of cancer development? A. Teach the patient to exercise daily. B. Teach the patient promoting factors to avoid. C. Tell the patient to have the cancer surgically removed now. D. Teach the patient which vitamins will improve the immune system. 20. The patient is told that the adenoma tumor is not encapsulated but has normally fractionated cells and that surgery will be needed. How to cite Nursing MedSurg Lewis, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Male/Female Differences in Perceptions of Sexual Harassment Essay Example For Students
Male/Female Differences in Perceptions of Sexual Harassment Essay Male/Female Differences in Perceptions of Sexual Harassment Essay One of your male co-workers has a revealing photograph of a female on his desk at work. You ask him to remove the picture because it makes you feel uncomfortable. He does not remove the picture. Do you think this is a form of sexual harassment? According to Bertha Brooks, a speaker on the subject of sexual harassment, this scenario exhibits a form of sexual harassment. For many people sexual harassment implies different behaviors; there are people who believe this scenario would be far from any type of harassment. This study investigates the different perceptions of how men and women define sexual harassment. It may be a simple look, slight touch, or a verbal comment. Whatever the situation, there will be a variance in the degrees, as to what men and women constitute as being sexual harassment. Psychological texts on sexual harassment outline various forms of behavior ranging from quid pro quo demands for sexual services to hostile jokes and sexual innuendo (American Psychological Association, 1981, 1991). Sexual joking, touching, and patting may be considered unwelcome sexual attention to some, but not others (Gutek, Morasch, and Cohen, 1983). Women more often than men conclude that these forms of sexual harassment are serious and offending. Is there a difference between what men perceive as sexual harassment and what women consider sexual harassment? The purpose of this study is to determine if in fact there is a difference. According to earlier research, men and women would perceive and define sexual harassment differently (Ellison v. Brady, 1989). The findings that women define sexual harassment more broadly and inclusive than men is reliable (Ellison v. Brady). A significant difference between the sexes shows up both in surveys of working people and in scenario studies; fifty-nine percent of men rated sexual touching as sexual harassment whereas eighty-four percent of women (Dunwoody-Miller and Gutek, 1985). This study was conducted on a small northeast public college campus by four experimental psychology students. Before the actual research was done, twenty males and twenty females were pre-tested to see if the questionnaire, that was to be used for the actual research was a valid measure; one that would prove differences in perceptions between males and females beliefs on sexual harassment. After the data was collected, the researchers moved forward because they found differences between men and women. A total of one hundred subjects were then randomly chosen to participate in this study. They were given a questionnaire where they had to rate sexual harassment on a scale when given different scenarios. Previous research has uncovered gender-based differences in a variety of sexual harassment related issues. For example, females are much more likely than males to report that they experienced some form of unwelcome sexual attention (United States Merit Systems Protection Board, 1980, 1988). Moreover, females consistently define more social-sexual behaviors as sexual harassment than do males; Females believe that sexual harassment is a more frequent occurrence (Ronrod Gutek, 1986). The terrain of events called sexual harassment by some women and called normal or acceptable by men is vast. Women generally state that the subtle forms of sexual harassment are just as serious than the more extreme and obvious forms. Men and women often perceive sexual harassment situations differently (Gutek, 1985). As a result of our research the hypothesis of this study was: Men and women will not always agree on what constitutes sexual harassment. Women will perceive milder forms of harassment more than men. .
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Summer Reading List Essay Example
Summer Reading List Essay English 12 Summer Reading Teachers: Helen Dunning [emailprotected] or. kr, Jim Burwell [emailprotected] or. kr Here is the summer reading list for English 12â€â€A Thematic Study of World-wide Literature. This is required summer reading. Reading these books will expand your vocabulary, build your personal library, start preparing you for university study, and guide the discussions for much of the first semester. 1. Order the TWO books and order them early. How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines, by Thomas C. Foster (336 pages) USD 14. 00 ISBN-10: 006000942X ISBN-13: 978-0060009427 AND Choose ONE of the following: Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya (208 pages) ISBN-10: 0451528239 ISBN-13: 978-045152823 A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (432 pages) ISBN-10: 159448385X ISBN-13: 978-1594483851 A Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood (311 pages) ISBN-10: 038549081X ISBN-13: 978-0385490818 2. Read How to Read Literature Like a Professor. You may have already read parts of this, but reread them, and read the chapters you missed last year. 3. For ten of the chapters, write 1-2 questions that require someone to consider the topic of the chapter and apply it to any literature text. †¢ The questions cannot be questions that merely ask for something to be identified or defined. †¢ The questions should require you to evaluate or interpret characters, settings, plot, language or details (quests, food, vampires, etc) and their implied, connotative, symbolic (or otherwise) meaning in a literature text. Consider questions that would lead you to conclusions similar to those Foster discusses in the examples in his book. †¢ eg. We will write a custom essay sample on Summer Reading List specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Summer Reading List specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Summer Reading List specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If it’s not just rain, what is it? What is the purpose of the rain in the literature text? This references chapter 10, and in order to be answered it needs to be applied to a literature text as the answer could be different depending on how you read the text and which text you read. †¢ You will need 10-20 questions in total. 4. Read your novel. 5. Choose the three most challenging questions you wrote for How to Read Literature Like a Professor. Answer these questions, in no more than 200 words. Organize your answer appropriately. 6. Bring both books to class on August 13th, 2012. Books and the written assignment are due then. Be ready for: Discussions of gender and equality. Your book will form the basis of discussions, an essay and/ or a group or individual presentation. Checklist for August 13th: Bring the following to your first English class: ____ Your copy of How to Read Literature Like a Professor ____ Your copy of the novel. Be prepared for a reading comprehension quiz or essay ____ A hardcopy of your questions for How to Read Literature Like a Professor ____ A hardcopy of your answers to the three most challenging questions you wrote, as applied to your novel
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Why did Haiti suffer more than Kobe as a result of an earthquake Essays
Why did Haiti suffer more than Kobe as a result of an earthquake Essays Why did Haiti suffer more than Kobe as a result of an earthquake Essay Why did Haiti suffer more than Kobe as a result of an earthquake Essay Both the Kobe earthquake (1995, in Japan) and Haiti earthquake (2010) measured about 7.0 on the Richter scale, but the casualty rate of Haiti earthquake was at least five times more deadly than the Kobe earthquake that killed 6,434 people. The main reason that Kobe didn’t suffer as much as Haiti is because Kobe is in Japan, which is an MEDC, Japan can afford many expensive resources, which Haiti cannot afford because it is a Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC).Haiti’s strength is in its culture. In Haiti, the banks have proven to be the fasted growing industry. It has many weaknesses including its government, economical situation and infrastructure. The Haitian government is one of the biggest obstacles for economic growth. Over the past ten years, Haiti has experienced a decrease of success in its public office. After years of dictatorship and military rule, the Haitian people were relieved when Aristides party won Haitis first free elections.The relief turned i nto distress when the government proved to be more like a dictatorship. Haiti’s economy has been slowly dropping since the 1980’s, with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) falling two percent a year from 1980-1991. Haitis physical infrastructure is poor roads are insufficient, and basic services such as power and telephones are frequently unavailable. The country also lacks a railroad system, making the shipping of goods around the land a tedious and dangerous job.Japan is a country that conquered the world market together with China and the U.S. Many huge businesses such as Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Toshiba and NEC are based in Japan and they provide many jobs and a lot of profit. It has many strengths but also a few weaknesses. Some of Japans strengths are its automobile industry, computer firms, exporting companies, digital gaming industry and its technological advancements research. One weakness of Japan is its geography. It is right on top of two tectonic plates so it suff ers many earthquakes.Kobe has many well-developed warning systems, which give out a signal that tells people to stay inside their Earthquake proof buildings until the earthquake is over. This equipment saved many lives, lots of money and helped keep the rate of destruction as low as possible. If Haiti had the same infrastructure and technology that Kobe has, then Haiti would have most likely had a much lesser death toll.The death toll of the Haiti earthquake reached around 250,000 which is large compared to the size of their population, around 7 million; where as the death toll of the Kobe earthquake, 6,425, wasn’t as big in proportion to the size of Japans population. Haiti hadn’t had an earthquake as big in 1995 since 1770, where as Japan has regular small earthquakes and it is part of daily life so they were more prepared. In Haiti, 2 million people were left homeless; 3 million were in need of emergency aid.In conclusion I think that if Haiti had the same high leve l of government, economy and infrastructure as Kobe, than not as many people would have died or suffered from injuries, been left homeless and Haiti would have recovered from the disaster as quick as Kobe did.
Friday, November 22, 2019
5 Cases of Unnecessary Hyphenation
5 Cases of Unnecessary Hyphenation 5 Cases of Unnecessary Hyphenation 5 Cases of Unnecessary Hyphenation By Mark Nichol In each of the following sentences, one or more hyphens are extraneous. A discussion and revision follows each example. 1. Data is accurate and often delivered in real-time. â€Å"Real time†is a compound noun, and such nouns are almost invariably open or closed; hyphenated exceptions such as mind-set are rare. If a compound noun does not appear in the dictionary in closed form (or hyphenated), treat it as an open compound: â€Å"Data is accurate and often delivered in real time.†(However, do hyphenate such a compound that functions as a phrasal adjective before a noun, as in â€Å"This tool provides valuable real-time insight into the process.†Exceptions include standing open compound nouns that are listed in the dictionary, such as â€Å"income tax†: â€Å"This rule does not apply to income tax returns.†) 2. As companies become increasingly informa tion-driven, information technology plays a pivotal role in this transformation. When a phrasal adjective follows the noun it modifies, do not hyphenate it: â€Å"As companies become increasingly informa tion driven, information technology plays a pivotal role in this transformation.†(However, as alluded to in the previous discussion, hyphenate a phrasal adjective when it precedes a noun, as in â€Å"information-driven companies.†) 3. Companies need to get up-to-speed quickly on their regulatory requirements. The words in â€Å"up to speed†do not collectively modify anything, so hyphens are not required: â€Å"Companies need to get up to speed quickly on their regulatory requirements.†4. Protocols with minimal-to-no tolerance for mistakes should clearly articulate what constitutes a mistake, and how to avoid making it. This sentence includes an unnecessarily hyphenated phrase that is incorrect for the same reason that the one in the previous example is. However, because a noun follows the phrase â€Å"minimal to no,†the phrase may be misidentified as a phrasal adjective. But minimal and no are distinct adjectives that do not combine with to to create a single modifier: â€Å"Protocols with minimal to no tolerance for mistakes should clearly articulate what constitutes a mistake, and how to avoid making it.†5. Many residents were stunned by the apparently racially-inspired crime. Adverbial phrases in which the adverb ends in -ly, not to be confused with phrasal adjectives, are not hyphenated: â€Å"Many residents were stunned by the apparently racially inspired crime.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and ToesDawned vs. DonnedA "Diploma" is not a "Degree"
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Synecdohe, New York Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Synecdohe, New York - Movie Review Example The movie is also based on the unique trait of representing a whole story in the part of the movie Plot, Theme and Characterization The movie depicts the life of a theatre director, played by Philip Hoffman who suffers throughout his life in various physical ailments. However his condition deteriorated as her wife departs taking the daughter with her. Throughout the movie Caden depicts the inevitability of death and holds the idea that everyone around him is already dead. It is the philosophies of death that surrounds him thought in the movie. The film uniquely portrays the self-discovery of Caden in the movie. The transition stages of Caden have been vividly described in the movie. The movie describes the four stages of Caden where he identifies the destructiveness and the constructive nature present with him. In other portions of the movie Caden’s consciousness and the urge for his wife and family grows. Caden becomes aware of himself and the archetypal spirit within him. He also undertakes a critical analysis of himself through which he understands his ego and has a complete self realization. At the end of the move his quest for his self discovery ends and realizes the truth associated with his love and life. The self-realization of Caden depicted within the movie can be traced back to the Jungian philosophy which states the four stages of self realization which has been portrayed through Caden’s role in the movie Synecdoche, New York. In order to undergo the process of self-realization Caden decides to make a play based on his own life story. The technique of using the play in the movie was a unique element used for depicting the life story. In the movie Caden is portrayed to be in a myopic state of mind which provides the justification of using the play in order to analyze the series of events which went through his life. In the play composed by Caden, the role of Caden was played by Sammy, whose role was very influential in deciding the outc ome of the play. The role played by Sammy portrayed Caden’s life in the best possible way and at some point it appeared that he overtook the original life of Caden in the movie. The actor in the play also provided suggestion regarding his role play but Caden did not agree with him. Finally in the play, Caden hands over the responsibility of the direction to an actress and he steps into the shoes of the cleaning lady of her wife. Cadens decision to play the role of cleaning lady shows the passion of his love towards her wife. It illustrates Cadens viewpoint that in order to stay close with her wife he was also ready to be the cleaning lady. It also reflects Caden’s state of mind when Adele left him and highlights the desperateness within him to get his wife back in the later stage of his life. Caden also surrendered himself to his daughter and held him to be responsible for her dying condition. The movie reached its peak when Caden describes himself to be homosexual to his daughter and takes the burden of the entire disturbance which was there in his personal life with his wife. In the play another dramatization has been provided to highlight the theme of the movie. One of the characters in the play, Hazel is shown to purchase a house which has been on fire. At the initial stage Hazel was reluctant to purchase the house as she feared that it will be the cause of her death. Ultimately Hazel
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 55
Philosophy - Essay Example How ought it be conducted? Provide a clear argument answering this question. Refer to at least five philosophers we have studied in the course of your answer. In your answer, be sure to demonstrate knowledge of the material by explaining ideas and using specific support and please use only this material Required Philosophy exists in different branches of thoughts that address different philosophical area of focus. Some of the branches and their areas of focus in include the following, epistemology this is the study of nature and knowledge (Lawhead). Epistemology expresses the relationship between beliefs, truth and theories that justify such beliefs and truth. The other area of concern is the metaphysics, this involves the study of aspects of reality and illustration of these features includes existence (Lawhead). Ethics include the other branch involved in study of philosophy addressing thing that people have to do and how they should to them. The final branch of philosophy include the logics, this involves precise reasoning to determine the components of good and bad reasoning in addition to determining the effectiveness of reasoning. Ethics as an essential branch of philosophy that is important in improving human life, thus it has a major principal of influencing human well-being in their world. Aristotle was an influential individual in the establishment of ethical concern as guidance in the human relation. Aristotle in support of Plato’s ideas regards some virtues as being ethical, for instance, these virtues include the following, temperance courage and justice (Bhaskar 120). According to Aristotle, there are things that an individual need to possess for them to live a happy life, they include virtue, pleasure, honour friendship and wealth (Das 82). Accusations of these things have to be in a morally decent way that does not conflict with the virtues of the society. For effective coexistence, it is also
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A Review of the Communication and Leadership in Jusco Essay Example for Free
A Review of the Communication and Leadership in Jusco Essay The relationship is set up when the company regular operation. With the company growing, it will have more and more employees. So communication and leadership is really important. The relationship is harmony so that the employees will more effective, communication is fully reflected whether good or bad of the relationship between employees and employers. Leadership has a big role in here. We define leadership as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals. Organizations need strong leadership and strong management for optimal effectiveness. We need leaders today to challenge the status quo, create visions of the future, and inspire organizational members to want to achieve the visions. (Stephen P. Robbins, 1998). Leadership is a management which manage staff to do the business, and make it clearly and more effective. 2. 1 Background of Jusco With Diaoyu Dao event came out, the relationship between Japan and China is become worse and worse. China even occur boycott Japanese goods last year. Many of Chinese people became mob to destroy Japanese enterprise. Most of patriotic personages were held the demonstration in different city in China. They boycotted Japanese goods so that all of Japanese companies were going down in China. Jusco is Japanese company; Jusco is short for Japan United Stores Company. The various of Jusco companies are subsidiaries of AEON CO. Ltd. There was a JUSCO in Shanghai before, but it was dropped down finally because of poor management. In Guangdong, Guangdong JUSCO Co. , Ltd used the name JUSCO to operate the first JUSCO at 1996. Now, there are 13 shops in Guangdong. It took the lead in the introduction of foreign advanced GMS (department store the supermarket) format mode, and in 2010 launched the SM (Food supermarket) formats. Guangdong JUSCO has a sound management system and in 2005 obtained the ISO9001: 2000 quality management system certification; national green market certification in 2007, was one of the first to obtain the certification of retail enterprises; 2010, ISO14001: 2004 environmental management system certification, the retail business is the first to pass the certification. Adhering to the everything for customers business philosophy, Guangdong JUSCO has been thought to provide customers with security, peace of mind and trust of goods, services and a comfortable shopping environment for the mission, so that customers enjoy shopping. Guangdong JUSCO business goods include: fashion clothing, household goods, sporting goods, home decorations, food, Japanese cuisine, fast food and other necessities. 2. 2 Research objectives 1. 2. 1 Definition of communication and leadership Communication is a slippery concept, and while we may casually use the word with some frequency, it is difficult to arrive at a precise definition that is agreeable to most of those who consider themselves communication scholars. Communication is so deeply rooted in human behaviors and the structures of society that it is difficult to think of social or behavioral events that are absent communication. Halavais, 2006). More and more countries open up their market in this modern world. Communication become very important to Jusco, due to relationship between Japan and China is getting worse. Leadership has been described as â€Å"a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a c ommon task. †(Chemers M. 1997). Leadership is easy to understand that organize a group of people to achieve a common goal. Under this global world, every organization is need cross-culture leadership. Cross-cultural psychology attempts to understand how individuals of different cultures interact with each other (Abbe, Gulick, amp; Herman, 2007). 1. 2. 2 To investigate the component for communications and leadership. Communications is a big problem in Jusco. This is common problem in China. AEON has been set up 18 Jusco in Guangdong, naturally, managers, leaders and employees all are Chinese. Otherwise, they must do the job under the working mode of AEON management. So communication sometimes is a big problem. Direction of communication is deciding how to communicate to each other. We further subdivide the vertical dimension into downward and upward directions. (R. L. Simpson, 1999) sometimes, most of sales do not will to talk to Jusco’s managers. And I know, Jusco managers also do not want to communicate to Japanese employers. It is even more badly when the DIAOYU DAO event happened. Japan and China are in stalemate. Leadership is mainly cross-culture leadership. 1. 2. 3 Further problem To find out further research opportunities for current problem. With the Japan and China become more and more hostility. We have to find out how does Japanese organization do in China. So we can research other Japanese company to have some more opportunities to compare Jusco. 1. 3 Research rationale I choose this topic because I was worked in Jusco as a red wine salesman last year, and I know this is Cross Culture Company, and its communication and leadership must be changed after the relation between China and Japan get worse. So I decide to use my MO knowledge to how it will be changed. Or keep the old style to manage. 2. Literature review 3. 3 Introduction Communication and leadership have a big role in management forever. Communication is decided whether make the company stay in the harmony situation. This makes the organization more effective and standard. Verbal communication is important to Jusco, but non-verbal communication is also important to it. Jusco is cross-culture organization; Chinese managers need to talk to Japanese senior management. After DIAOYU DAO event, the relation between Japan and China is getting worse, Japanese and Chinese cannot have a nice conversation. So I want to find out the difference of two stages. Leadership is an ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals. However, not all the leaders are managers. Organizations need strong leadership and strong management for optimal effectiveness. So Jusco is the same. Jusco is customer-focused service operation. They have a lot of leaders in Jusco. Different apartment has different leader. However, a good leader can make it more effective. It also make customer more comfortable when customers shopping in Jusco. 3. 4 Main issueâ€â€communications Communication represents one of the most important tools that the leaders have at their disposal to perform their influencing of tasks. Its significance is such that some authors consider it as the â€Å"blood†that brings life to the organization. Paulo Nunes, 2011) In Jusco, communication is important thing, no matter employers or employees, they need to communicate to each other. Due to power distance is stay in the high level. Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed un equally. (Gert Jan Hofstede, 1965) Japan is in the high level of Power distance index. So do Jusco, senior managers have some power to manage and ask employees to do the job. However, Jusco is customer-focused service operation. Sometimes, senior managers will ask others to serve customers not himself. They have their own duties. But they need to put customers at the first position. So this is the main problem in Jusco. And the communication is has the big usage for employers to avoid this situation happening. Communication has the general process. The key parts of this model are the sender, encoding, the message, the channel, decoding, the receiver, noise, and feedback. The sender starts a message by encoding a thought. The message is the real thing of the sender’s encoding. When we speak, the speech is message. Our writing is the message. The movements of our acting and the expressions on our face are the message when we gesture. One of the suitablekinds of communications is organizational communication. In organizational communication, there is one kind of mode for Jusco: Formal small-group networks. Formal organizational networks can be very complicated. There are three kinds in this mode, chain, wheel and all channel. The more effective criteria are the networks wheel and all channel. Jusco is wheel mode. For example, one manager is managing drink, wine and so on. 3. Main issueâ€â€Leadership Leadership has main two kinds of theories. One is trait theories of leadership, and it is focus on personal qualities and characteristics. By 1990s, after research, studies and analyses, the best leader is unlike the normal people. They are special. But the particular traits that characterized them varied a great deal from review to review. (S. A. Kirkpatrick, 1991) Significant relationships exis t between leadership and such individual traits as: intelligence, adjustment, extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience and general self-efficacy. While the trait theory of leadership has arisen again, its reemergence has not been accompanied by a corresponding increase in sophisticated conceptual frameworks. (Zaccaro, S. J. 2007). The other is behavioral theories. In response to the early criticisms of the trait approach, theorists began to research leadership as a set of behaviors, evaluating the behavior of successful leaders, determining behavior taxonomy, and identifying broad leadership styles. (Spillane, James P, 2004) The managerial grid model is also based on a behavioral theory. According to three styles: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire. Lewin, Kurt, 1939). Normally, some leaders may compare traits and behaviors to manage; however, they are still failing to manage. As important as traits and behaviors are in identifying effective or ineffective leaders and they do not promises to success. 3. 6 Theories used in Jusco While the communication model used in Jusco, if managers can use this kind of skills, empl oyees can be pleased to accept the order and finish the job in a short time. Formal small-group networks is the normal communications mode exist in Jusco. I ever was a wine sales in Jusco, my group all are sales of wine. The wheel relies on a central figure out to act as the conduct for the entire group’s communication; it simulates the communication network you would find on a team with a strong leader. 2. 5 Conclusion Above the literature review, we can understand the theories of communication and leadership. And figure out which kind of model can be used in Jusco. However, something I can know more in the Jusco senior management. So Ican not ensure the how the solve the problem just by this simplified concepts. 3. Research methodology. 4. 7 overall research design Step 1 Select Jusco as the object of study. | Step 2 Use communication and leadership theories to clarify the usage of management system. | Step 3 Find materials about communication and leadership in Jusco. | Step 4 Organize the materials found before. | Step 5 Combine the viewpoints that have same directions. | Step 6 Add personal views in research paper. | Step 7 Come out the final research paper. | At first, you have to set up your research title. In this modern world, people pay attention to personal benefits from work, so how to make the communications effective and in a proper way can be a key element to achieve success for companies. And leadership is making the company keep the direction keep on the right way. And make the company get more effective and achieve the goals as fast as possible. This is why I choose communication and leadership in Jusco, especially in the specific stage, after the DIAOYU DAO event. After deciding what title is, I begin to search information about communication and leadership which can support my research, and then finding opinions about the communication and leadership system in Jusco. With collection of all the materials that I need in this paper, the step four is to organize them and find out what the authors’ opinions about communication and leadership in Jusco, even in Japanese organization. When clarifying the points from some experts. Communication has some usage for making the whole company staff harmony, and let the managersto know more about employees. Let the whole company become the one big thing, and stay in the high effective. At the end, you read all the references, and link the knowledge and make it to the net. Figuring out why the communication and leadership in Jusco is so important and which kinds of mode are fit for Jusco. 3. 2 Ways to conduct literature search Key words| Source| Finding | Cross-cultural competence in Army leaders| From library books| Abbe, A. , Gulick, L. M. V. , amp; Herman, J. L. | An integrative theory of leadership. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates| From library books| Chemers M. (1997)| The process of communication| From library books| D. K. Berlo,| Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. | From library books| Empirical foundation. (Study Report 2008-01). | WIKIBOOKS CONTRIBUTORS. | From library books| Halavais, Joe Petrick, Ashley Anker(2006)| Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind| From library books| Hofstede, Geert, Gert Jan Hofstede and Michael Minkov. | Great Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders. | UCD library| John Baldoni(2005)| Journal of Social Psychology| From library books| 8. Lewin, Kurt; Lippitt, Ronald; White, Ralph (1939). | Communications| Google research | Paulo Nunes, 2011| Vertical and Horizontal Communication in Formal Organizations| From library books| R. L. Simpson, 1986| Employment Relations| From library books| Rose, 2001. Acadermy of Management Executive| UCD library| S. A. Kirkpatrick and E. A. Locke,| Towards a theory of leadership practice| From library books| Spillane, James P. ; et al. , Richard; Diamond, John (2004)| Essentials of Organizational Behavior| Text book | Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge(1998)| Trait-based perspectives of leadership| From library books| Zaccaro, S. J. (2007). | 3. 3 Rese arch Approach Q1: Is it communication is important in Jusco between all the staff? A: YES B: NO Q2: In communication, which thing do you think is important? A: trust B: honest C: honor Q3: Which thing will affecttheresult of the communication? A: skills of communication. B: parties of communications. C: place when having communication. Q4: Do Jusco do the research to know more about what the employees want? Write down your opinion. Q5: Do all the staff will have courage to communicate to the managers? Write down your opinion. Q6: If some problem happens between two apartments, how do you communicate under this question? Write down your opinion. Q7: How do you think the level of effective during working in the Jusco? A: high. B: normal. C: low. Q8: How do you identify superior/subordinate relationship? A: very clear, I will report to superior. B: Superior sometimes will interpose my work. C: Often several superiors give the order at the same time. D: When I facing the problem, I do not know who I can ask. Q9: How do your manager to order your work? A: manager will show me the detail. B: manager will discuss with me when I am in trouble. C: manager normally do not discuss with us. D: I often confused when I get the order from my manager. E: other:______________ Q10:Do you often find nobody will be responsible for the job, how do Jusco take charge? Write down your opinion. Question no. 1 to question no. 3 are identify is communication important to the employers or sales in Jusco. I want to know is it some problem in communication in Jusco staff. It helps to clear my thoughts that whether communication is barriers in Jusco between the employees. Due to superior/subordinate relationship is really complicated. At the same time, according to the communication process, I want to find out which process is something wrong. Like question no. 1, it will give all the staff a shake. They maybe will suddenly realize we are lack of communication during the work. Question no. 2 is the same to question 1, just want to notice staff to think about the communication. The usage of question 3 is wanted to ask them whether communication will affect their work. What is the problem will come out if communication in a low level. Give something to them to think. And this serious of problems are more valuable after the DIAOYU DAO event come out. Due to Jusco is in embarrassing situation in China. Question no. 3 and question no. 4 are the same direction. After give 3 questions to wake you up and think about the communication in Jusco. Comparing their real situation in Jusco, and research the information about the communication is it works out. And does it effective or not. These two questions both need to write down your own opinion, your own thoughts. These are staff real thoughts. According to it, maybe the management in human behavior of Jusco can change the structure to make the whole Jusco has more effective. Question no. 5 and question no. 6 are transition question; it is from communication questions to leadership questions. Questions no. 5 and question no. 6 are concern about communication and leadership. It is not only asking staff the situation of communication, but also checks the leadership in Jusco. We can see the superficial current situation of leadership in Jusco. After I get the superficial information about the leadership, we will collect the information about evaluation of the effective. With the question no. 7, we check the standard of their effective. By this collection, we get this information and find out whether leadership in Jusco is good to use. Question no. 8 is mainly to check the sales and employees how to treat with their superior. Hence, it also evaluates harmony of communication between superior and subordinate. If the relation is harmony, it has a lot of effect to affect the leadership exercise power. Question no. 9 has connection with question no. 9; question no. 8 is mainly collecting the information from employers and sales in Jusco. We can see the truth about the real working situation by opinions of employees and sales. According to their view, we have to do some evaluations to check the leadershipeffective or not. Question no. 10 is helps Jusco to improve their situation. Jusco is customers first company, if this situation coming up, all of employers and managers have to serve customers first. This is vision of Jusco. If they all pass the job to others, no one serve customers. Customer will go away with his dissatisfaction and blame Jusco has the bad service. What the worse, he will complain or tell every friend he knows so that the bad image of Jusco has been set up. 3. 4 Sampling For sampling, I need to contact with Jusco. Each observation measures one or more targets, sampling have too methods and everyone should to be used in the proper way. They all are unique. They are demanded to suitable different situation become the characteristics difference. Jusco as the biggest retail corporation in Asia, in Guangdong, it also the Top 3 of retail corporation. So Jusco is a big corporation, I think Simple random sampling is fit for Jusco. In general, I put one Jusco as the whole, Equal to the probability of each individual to be able to get through one by one extraction method to extract a sample of each extract this sampling method is simple random sampling. Why I choose simple random sampling? Due to Jusco have 26 stores in Guangdong province. Their cope is too big, so I have pretended their probability is equal. Hence, I choose the random one store has regular scale to do this research. Even though, each Jusco has different sales, employees and managers. The mode of management in Jusco do not change, each Jusco is the same administrative mode, Advanced GMS comprehensive department store supermarket retail business model. Normally, one GMS mode of Jusco has five hundred to one thousand staff. They divided into different departments. Each department I will find the 20 people to do this research. When they done their research, I gathering all the information, and continue to analysis. When I finished that, I will finish my goals and finish my all objective. 3. Data access and collection To do this research and make the sampling, I have to go to Jusco investigation in Guangdong province. However, you cannot go in the Jusco working area easily. It is lucky I was worked there before, I know the managers. With the top managers in supermarket agreement, I finally go into and do some survey. My main contact person is my friend who sells the red wine inside it. Contact peopl e: Wang Hong 3. 6 Methods of data analysis After I finish my survey, I will use my organization behavior management and cross culture management to analysis Jusco. How to communication and leadership will happen in it. The further I will analysis is what will affect them after the DIAOYU DAO events. 3. 7 Research limitation As a full time student in Singapore, we have little time to do the research. Due to the time is too short, I do not have enough time to make the scope large, and make is simplified. At the same time, I still have another course; my time will become shorter and shorter. Under this reason, maybe my point of view will short for one side. Maybe leadership will gather more information than communications. In China many things are cannot show in the newspaper so the information collection is a big problem, and Chinese people do not say anything so clearly, especially in the relationship, during the research. The superior/subordinate relationship cannot record faithfully. Maybe subordinates are too afraid to answer the truth. And even more, English is not my first English, many words we need to figure out how to express my view of points. 4. Conclusion 5. 8 summary This essay is mainly to show that how communication and leadershipwill affect the work in the organization. Different organization has their ownmanagement mode and their own culture. These are affecting the staff how to act in the company. According to the first part of communication, communication is basis skills in the human behavior. Communication process will show us the flow during two people communicates. Make the communication more effective is lead to the whole working flow more effective. However, there are some barriers to effective communication. Like filtering, selective perception. Emotions, information overload and so on. The next objective is leadership. Due to there is a big problem, about the relations. Due to in China, the employee will very afraid of the boss, so if the employers want to get the feedback is a very difficult thing. So the communication skill is necessary, but without the communication skill, what can the employer get the information from is also consider in this part. And what’s effect will the relationship come up with. Managers must not be a leadership, everyone can do. However, Jusco in China, most of people are Chinese. Leadership means that you are my boss, you are my superior, I need to receive you order to do the job. So leadership in this, there is a lot of value to have this research. The last part is how communication and leadership actually do in Jusco. How managers are good usage of these theories to manage Jusco working. 4. 2 Implications With the company growth up, and more and more employee will join with the company to help a company to give produce, and there will be one day the company become a global company then it will face the east and west different culture, and the relationship is not as simple as before, how can the employer deal with it. They need to use the tool of communication, and even developing their leadership to make he reach their personal goal. China is depending on relations, this is a marvel country. Communication is a good weapon to flight during in this society. Leadership is one person who cans good use at communications and he has the ability to gather some people to achieve the goals. This is difference to order people to do the job. 4. 3 Further research opportunities Actually in China, relation is important thing. This is not only communication nor does leadership make it success. Every foreign company, need to do some research about relations. If you control this, you can live really well in China. Reference 1. Abbe, A. , Gulick, L. M. V. amp; Herman, J. L. (2007). Cross-cultural competence in Army leaders. 2. Chemers M. (1997) An integrative theory of leadership. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers 3. D. K. Berlo, The process of communication (NEW YORK: Holt, Rinehart amp; Winston, 1960), pp. 30-32. 4. Empirical foundation. (Study Report 2008-01). Arlington, VA: U. S. Army Research Institute for the Behaviora l and Social Sciences. 5. Halavais, Joe Petrick, Ashley Anker(2006): WIKIBOOKS CONTRIBUTORS. Free software Foundation, Inc. 6. Hofstede, Geert, Gert Jan Hofstede and Michael Minkov. Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2010. 7. John Baldoni(2005): Great Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders. McGraw- Hill. P1-24 8. Lewin, Kurt; Lippitt, Ronald; White, Ralph (1939). Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created social climates. Journal of Social Psychology: 271–301. 9. Paulo Nunes, Communications, 2011,rehttp://www. knoow. net/en/sceconent/management/communication. htmretrieved 2013-1-20. 10. R. L. Simpson, â€Å"Vertical and Horizontal Communication in Formal Organizations,†Administrative Science Quarterly, September 1989, pp. 188-196. 11. Rose,2001. Employment Relations. UK: Pearcon Edmcati Ltd. 2. S. A. Kirkpatrick and E. A. Locke, â€Å"leadership:Do traits matter? †Acadermy of Management Executive, May 1991, pp. 48-60 13. Spillane, James P. ; et al. , Richard; Diamond, John (2004). Towards a theory of leadership practice. Journal of Curriculum Studies 36 (1): 3–34. 14. Stephen P. Robbins and Timothy A. Judge(1998): Essentials of Orga nizational Behavior. Eleventh edition. Pearson Educated Ltd. 15. Zaccaro, S. J. (2007). Trait-based perspectives of leadership. American Psychologist, 62, 6-16. Confirmation Certificate Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Library Plagiarism Quiz. Student Name: Chen Zhiying Student Number: .. 11211905. Date: . 2012-10-18.. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT (signature)†¦chen zhiying†¦.. HAS COMPLETED THE PLAGIARISM QUIZ Remember that the confirmation certificate is a statement by you that you understand plagiarism and know how to avoid it. If you think that you do not understand plagiarism and how to avoid it after working through this tutorial, you should confer with your module coordinator, no matter what score you have obtained on the test.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Humanity, Holocaust and Night :: Night Elie Wiesel
Humanity, Holocaust and Night    Wiesel's Night is about what the Holocaust did, not just to the Jews, but by extension, to humanity. People all over the world were devastated by this atrocious act, and there are still people today who haven't overcome the effects. One example of the heinous acts of the Germans that stands out occurs at the end of the war, when Elie and the rest of the camp of Buna is being forced to transfer to Gleiwitz. This transfer is a long, arduous, and tiring journey for all who are involved. The weather is painfully cold, and snow fell heavily; the distance is greater than most people today will even dream of walking. The huge mass of people is often forced to run, and if one collapses, is injured, or simply can no longer bear the pain, they are shot or trampled without pity. An image that secures itself in Elie's memory is that of Rabbi Eliahou's son's leaving the Rabbi for dead. The father and son are running together when the father begins to grow tired. As the Rabbi falls farther and far ther behind his son, his son runs on, pretending not to see what is happening to his father. This spectacle causes Elie to think of what he would do if his father ever became as weak as the Rabbi. He decides that he would never leave his father, even if staying with him would be the cause of his death. The German forces are so adept at breaking the spirits of the Jews that we can see the effects throughout Elie's novel. Elie's faith in God, above all other things, is strong at the onset of the novel, but grows weaker as it goes on. We see this when Elie's father politely asks the gypsy where the lavoratories are. Not only does the gypsy not grace his father with a response, but he also delivers a blow to his head that sent him to the floor. Elie watches the entire exhibition, but doesn't even blink. He realizes that nothing, not even his faith in God, can save him from the physical punishment that would await him if he tried to counterattack the gypsy. If the gypsy's attack had come just one day earlier, Elie probably would have struck back. However, the effect of the spiritual beating by the Germans was already being felt.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Little Mermaid â€Å"Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun. Wandering free, wish I could be, part of that world. †Ariel sings this in the beginning of The Little Mermaid after an adventure with Flounder. She wishes to be a human with legs and live the way the humans do. The Little Mermaid is an example of a monomyth, also called a heroic adventure. Ariel may not seem like a so-called-typical-hero throughout the majority of the movie, but she has her own heroic ways.Three characteristics of a hero are a remarkable birth, troubled childhood, and being able to rely on ones natural strength. Ariel grows up with several sisters, no mother and a father who is the king of the sea, King Triton. She was miserable being a mermaid and knew that she had to find her own way to escape the sea. Ariel’s call to adventure began when one night, Ariel, Flounder and an unwilling Sebastian travel to the ocean surface to watch a celebration for the birthday of Prince Eric on a ship, with whom Ariel falls in love with.In the ensuing storm the ship is destroyed and Ariel saves the unconscious Eric from drowning. Ariel sings to him, but quickly leaves as soon as he regains consciousness to avoid being discovered. Fascinated by the memory of her voice, Eric vows to find who saved and sung to him and Ariel vows to find a way to join him and his world. Her option then comes along and is given to her by the sea hag, Ursula’s, electric eels, Flotsam and Jetsam. They give her the option to come with them to Ursula who can change Ariel into a human, or she can stay and be miserable her whole life.In every heroic adventure the main hero needs to receive help along his/her journey. Ursula makes a deal with Ariel to transform her into a human for three days in exchange for Ariel's voice When Ursula used her magic to turn Ariel into a human and take away her voice that was Ariel’s supernatural aid because it caused her to be able to go and win Eric’s heart. But it’s also bittersweet because Ariel must receive the â€Å"kiss of true love†from Eric; otherwise, she will transform back into a mermaid and belong to Ursula. Ariel’s quest is now in motion and she must find Eric.Instead Eric finds Ariel on the beach and takes her to his castle. Ariel spends time with Eric, and at the end of the second day, they almost kiss but Flotsam and Jetsam flip their boat and ruin it. That was Ariel’s first obstacle. Ursula then disguises herself as a beautiful young woman named Vanessa and appears onshore singing with Ariel's voice. Eric recognizes the song and, in her disguise, Ursula casts a hypnotic enchantment on Eric to make him forget about Ariel. The next day, Ariel finds out that Eric will be married to the disguised Ursula.Scuttle discovers that Vanessa is Ursula in disguise, and informs Ariel who immediately goes after the wedding barge. This is Ariel’s second obstacle . Sebastian informs Triton, and Scuttle disrupts the wedding with the help of various animals. In the chaos, the nautilus shell around Ursula's neck is broken, restoring Ariel's voice and breaking Ursula's enchantment over Eric. Eric rushes to kiss her, but the sun sets and Ariel transforms back into a mermaid. Ursula reveals herself and kidnaps Ariel. Ariel now faces her final test.Triton confronts Ursula and demands Ariel's release, but the deal is inviolable. At Ursula's urging, the king agrees to take Ariel's place as Ursula's prisoner. Ariel is released as Triton transforms into a polyp and loses his authority over Atlantica. Ursula declares herself the new ruler and a struggle ensues in which Ursula accidentally kills Flotsam and Jetsam. In her rage, Ursula uses the trident to grow to monstrous proportions. Ariel and Eric reunite on the surface just before Ursula grows past and towers the two.She then gains full control of the entire ocean, creating a storm with a maelstrom an d shipwrecks, one of which Eric commandeers. As Ursula attempts to destroy a trapped Ariel in the maelstrom, Eric runs Ursula through the abdomen with the ship's splintered bowsprit killing her. Ursula's power breaks, causing Triton and all the other polyps in Ursula's garden to revert back into their original forms. Realizing that Ariel truly loves Eric, Triton willingly changes her from a mermaid into a human. Ariel and Eric marry on a ship and depart.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Atwood’s short story “Bluebeard’s Egg†Essay
Atwood’s Bluebeard’s Egg is a narrative that supports the theme of perception being a human characteristic which only presents the truth the particular person wants to believe. The first evidence of this appears in Sally’s description of Edward, her husband, who by her thoughts is a â€Å"dumb blond†that need her protection and intelligence to survive. â€Å"At set intervals an angel appears, bringing him food. That’s fine with Ed who hardly notices what he eats, but the angel is getting tired of being an angel†(168, prgh1) We get this image of the â€Å"caring wife†protecting a not-so-intelligent husband out of love and pity. This is Sally’s perception of the truth. On the other hand we see her immaturity in her diction (â€Å"heart-men†â€Å"fix their hearts†, â€Å"looked like a giant-fig†) which shows her ignorance of her husband’s line of work which is substantially difficult and requires intelligence and dedication that few people possess. This is why the readers start to doubt Sally’s truth and at this point we side with the other â€Å"some†who say that he is â€Å"intelligent and even brilliant, otherwise how can he be so successful†? (151, last pgh) This first conflict that takes place in the readers themselves furthers the theme of the story. Who can we trust and why? Sally’s perception is the lense that we see the story through, but without it we wouldn’t have a vision at all. So we have to take her reality and decide which truth we want to believe. Ed’s truth of a middle-age well-off physician with a beautiful, young wife who â€Å"doesn’t care much for anything†except the nice routine of his life. Or Marylynn’s perception of a liberal, independent and confident woman who doesn’t need a husband to enjoy her life. Or finally Sally’s desperate attempt to hold on to her perfect life – married to a wealthy handsome but not-so-smart husband who provides a normal â€Å"happy†life for her. The point in the story where Sally catches her husband and her best friend crossing that line of appropriateness, is when she realizes that her perception of what was real was actually all wrong from the begging. This sudden crack in her â€Å"perfect†life threatens the very foundations of an her seemingly stable universe. â€Å"Sally has been wrong about Ed, for years, forever.†(182) This is a crucial moment in the story as it shows Sally’s epiphany and provides a mysterious moment as to what she was going to do – face her husband and her best friend, or try to ignore it in order to save her marriage, her security blanket. â€Å"Sally puts down the spatula, wipes her hand on the hand-towel, puts her arms around him, holds on tighter that she should.†(183, 3rd prgh) This is the image we get – of Sally trying to hold on to her illusory reality. In a way the egg in the story is the truth that humans seek but the truth is covered by the hard protective shell and only people who go beyond the surface and look for change can get to the core – to the truth which provides liberation. The structure of the story with the old â€Å"Bluebeard†tale in the middle of this new story reminds me of the egg which was once created and now has a life inside itself and will create in its turn. â€Å"Sally thinks the egg is alive, and one day it will hatch. But what will come out of it?†(184, 1st prgh) This relates to Atwood’s contemplating of the â€Å"creative process†. Like in other poems by her, we see the birth of new concepts from the roots of our very own creation. This also compares to the ways in which our engagement with a text, the act of reading literature, corresponds to â€Å"reading†reality. Atwood’s story suggests that in both instances, â€Å"guesswork†or â€Å"intuition†is as fundamental as close analysis. But whether our interpretation of the story is intuitive or analytical, the outcome is an unending quest after an illusory truth because nothing is what it seems.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Quickstart Guide to Writing a Political Science Research Paper
A Quickstart Guide to Writing a Political Science Research Paper Writing a political science research paper is inevitable for anyone who takes a course dealing with domestic or international politics, global justice, human rights, and more. Regardless of whether a student is a political science major or only has the discipline for a single term, he/she will be assigned multiple research papers throughout the course. Although news headings may make one think that politics is cryptic and sinuous if not shady, in reality, it is not as unbearable as it seems. If approached with a proper amount of diligence and enthusiasm, political science can be as engaging as watching The House of Cards. It is a good idea to keep in mind that if everyone paid enough attention to it when in college, some of the current leaders would have never been elected. In other words, no one should treat seemingly dull papers as a necessary evil. Writing them is a first step to make a difference. What Is a Political Science Research Paper? One popular misconception is that ‘research’ in research papers means that one is required to gather as much information on the topic as possible and merely throw it together in a more or less coherent way. As a result, students are often tempted to turn their paper into data dumps, where dates/event descriptions/other people’s ideas follow one another without adequate explanations not to mention analysis. It is unlikely that professors doubt their students’ ability to google. What they do want to know is whether one is capable of analyzing the search results critically. Descriptive reporting (the data dump thing) is necessary, but it must only take a part of the research paper, not its entirety. In reality, a political science research paper is an analytical report with the stress on ‘analytical.’ Facts do not show readers the writer’s proficiency and critical thinking skills. Students have to demonstrate that they are not only familiar with the course materials but also took their time to develop their own ideas. Everyone knows that Syria’s civil war started with the resentment toward Bashar al-Assad’s government. What one has to do is to dig deeper. Why did not the war start until 2011? How does it fit into the general patterns of the Arab Spring? What is the connection between the Syrian war and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Why is the international community so unhelpful? How to Choose a Topic for a Political Science Research Paper: Our Writers Share Their Know-How’s Contrary to popular belief, it is a way easier to compose a political science research paper writing when there is a specific topic/research question assigned. Knowing what to write about allows one to avoid spending time and efforts on searching for an adequate, not over-researched, not under-researched topic. However, more often than not, professors suggest their students choose a research question of their own that would deal with the course readings. In such cases, the broader the course is, the more difficult the task gets. For instance, if one takes ‘Introduction to Political Theory’ or ‘Advanced Comparative Politics’, it normally means that appropriate topic options are almost unlimited. There are several characteristics of a decent topic for a political science research paper. First of all, it must be not too broad. Ambition is good; however, taking into account that the common length of a research paper has to be about 6-8 pages, it is unlikely that one can write an in-depth analytical paper on global democracy. The focus should be narrowed. Choosing a specific country to analyze the challenges it faces while struggling for democracy will be more manageable. If the course deals with global politics, comparing two different countries is also a good option. At the same time, an overly narrow topic is also a no-go way. Barack Obama’s protection of Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan’s seats in the United States Supreme Court was certainly a notable step towards achieving diversity in American politics. Still, it would not be reasonable to choose this specific accomplishment to write a research paper. What is there to write eight pages about? However, putting Obama’s decision in context to analyze the alarming gender and ethnic uniformity among American politicians is a challenging yet doable research problem. Any topic can be adjusted to take the right place on the scale from ‘too broad’ to ‘too specific.’ Finally, if paper requirements do not say the opposite, one should not limit his/her choice of a topic to the domestic politics alone. Certainly, if the course is called American Federalism, the professor most likely expects students to stick to the United States in the research paper. Otherwise, comparing American political history or current tendencies to those of a different country is more interesting than discussing the United States in a vacuum. Still, there must be a specific issue to compare, for instance, health-care policies. Most importantly, the topic should be interesting and important for the writer. When a student is personally affected by a certain problem, he/she is invested and more likely to compose a high-quality research paper. Grab the Reasonable Examples of Good Topics: Neoliberalism and Health Care: Cuts in Medicare in the United States and Canada over the Last Two Decades; The Current Problems of Corporate Philanthropy in the United States; Fighting Environmental Racism in Chicago, Illinois; The Impact of the Idle No More movement on American Politics; Presidential vs. Parliamentary Systems in Africa: Tanzania vs. Ethiopia; Radical Democracy as a Way out of Neoliberal Collapse in the United States. Examples of Not-So-Good Topics Social Movements in the United States. It is too broad Resolving the Problems of Globalization. This one is too vague and broad. It is better to specify what problems and in what counties are implied. Colombian Presidential Elections in 2006. It is rather a matter of political history. If there is a specific issue to analyze within the events of 2006 elections, it should be specified. However, it is better to find a way to establish a link between 2006 and 2018 elections or another topical problem in Colombia. The Government in the United States and Morocco. It is a barely manageable task to compare a federal republic to an absolute monarchy. There are a few similarities. Where to Find Relevant Academic Sources? Probably, using high-quality scholarly sources is the most valuable component of a well-written research paper. They are the necessary foundation for the writer’s analysis. Backing up one’s ideas proves expertise. Even though every politics-related course always has an extensive list of reading materials, they are not enough to compose a paper regardless of whether there was a specific topic assigned or not. Students are normally expected to use class readings as a starting point for further independent research. Once the topic is chosen, one should start searching for books and journal articles to broaden his/her knowledge and develop a deep understanding of the problem. If the topic deals with the current issues, using news articles is also inevitable. However, considering the amount of fake news and filter bubbles one faces these days, students should approach every news website with caution. Well-known and credible ones like BBC News, HuffingtonPost, CNN, and the New York Times are safe options. It is also reasonable to check several news platforms for a specific event report to compare and contrast different opinions. Political writing is doomed to be biased. It is the spot between the two opposite biases where one finds relatively true information. However, college students cannot manage a political science research paper without consulting relevant books and journal articles written by the authors well-accepted within the academic community. For those, one should choose research databases over Google. University libraries are a perfect place to start. However, online ones are more accessible and easier to operate. Besides, offline libraries are rarely able to fit as many sources as online ones. These are several most credible and extensive academic databases: JSTOR, Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Web of Science, Project Muse, ProQuest. The majority of articles are not available in full there; however, abstracts give a clear idea of their content. If one understands that a certain article could be helpful, he/she can access it through the college student ID or go to the university library. Besides, students should take their time to check various political science journals separately. It is impossible to list all of them, but it is certainly helpful to keep in mind: American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, Foreign Affairs (It is rather a magazine than a journal; nevertheless, it is a solid platform to consult), Perspectives on Politics, American Politics Research, Political Science Quarterly, International Political Science Review, Politics Society, Journal of Political Science and Public Affairs, International Affairs. Finally, there are several websites where students can find useful political science books. Popular Political Science Books section on GoodReads is hardly an appropriate selection; some of the items there belong rather to the popular science genre and will not look good in one’s research paper bibliography. Instead, students should consider such websites as Yale University Press and Oxford University Press. How to Cite Sources? The process of referencing may appear minuscule as compared to writing a research paper. However, most professors’ grading rubrics show that proper citing is worth many points. The Online Writing Web at Purdue University is the best website to revise one’s referencing skills. There are guides and sample entries for each of the common format styles including MLA, APA, and Chicago. Also, many databases have a citation generator next to every book/article; it allows students to copy and paste a properly composed bibliography entry for every item they chose to reference. Why Is an Outline a Must? Regardless of one’s experience, it is not an easy task to keep focused on the topic while writing. Students frequently get carried away, and the paper ends up being written about something that has nothing to do with the chosen subject. To avoid such an outcome, everyone should begin by composing an outline. No need to make it overly detailed or fancy. Unless the professor requires submitting a proposal with a well-developed full-sentence outline, it is primarily Ariadne’s thread for a student to stay on topic. Once a drafted thesis statement is done, one should make sure that each of the paragraphs supports it. To include one to two rebuttal ones is alright but they should not distract the reader from the paper’s perspective. All paragraphs should have the same structure: a claim (topic sentence) expressing a clear argument evidence (followed by a proper reference to the source) analysis evidence #2 analysis #2 concluding sentence/transition to the next paragraph. The second evidence and analysis are optional and depend on whether the writer prefers longer or shorter paragraphs. The Structure of the Political Science Research Paper A common research paper includes the following: Abstract Not every professor expects his/her students to present an abstract before the research paper. In any case, it is not a difficult task to come up with one. To put it simply, an abstract is a 150-word summary of the entire paper. Introduction The introductory paragraph should let the reader understand what is going to be discussed in the paper without summarizing it. The last sentence is a thesis statement that reflects the paper’s central idea clearly. Body The body of a research paper consists of multiple paragraphs. Their number depends on the length of the paper. Again, each of them has to be related to the thesis statement. Conclusion The conclusion consists of restating the thesis statement, a brief conclusion of all body paragraphs (one sentence per point/paragraph is enough), and one last thought-provoking sentence to invite the reader to think about the problem discussed in the paper. /References Every research paper must have a separate page with a list of the sources cited in the text. Post-Writing Tips One thing nobody should neglect is proofreading. Once the paper is completed, every student’s duty is to reread it several times and use a grammar checker if possible. Sloppy writing makes the text annoying and difficult to follow. Political science research papers could potentially solve global poverty or find a way to fight corruption. With that in mind, it would be a pity if the lack of proofreading prevented the professor (or other potential audience) from giving the paper justice. The final political science research paper writing tip is that it is always useful to ask someone to read the paper before submitting it. Since the writer has spent hours if not days composing the research paper, he/she tends to overlook some minor typos or sentences with broken causality. All in all, treating a political science research paper as an actual proposal for the hypothetical government to implement makes the writing process livelier.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
History of Canopy Beds
History of Canopy Beds A popular email hoax has spread all sorts of misinformation about the Middle Ages and The Bad Old Days. Here we look at the use of canopy beds. From the Hoax There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could really mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. Thats how canopy beds came into existence. The Facts In most castles and manor houses and in some town dwellings, materials such as wood, clay tiles, and stone were used for roofing. All served even better than thatch to stop things from falling into the house. Poor peasant folk, who were the most likely to suffer the annoyances brought about by an ill-kept thatch roof, commonly slept on straw pallets on the floor or in a loft.1 They did not have canopy beds to keep out falling dead wasps and rat droppings. Wealthier people didnt need canopies to keep out things that dropped from the roof, yet wealthy people such as noble lords and ladies or prosperous burghers did have beds with canopies and curtains. Why? Because the canopy beds used in medieval England and Europe have their origins in an entirely different domestic situation. In the earliest days of the European castle, the lord and his family slept in the great hall, along with all their servants. The noble familys sleeping area was usually at one end of the hall and was separated from the rest by simple curtains.2 In time, castle builders constructed separate chambers for the nobility, but though lords and ladies had their bed(s) to themselves, attendants might share the room for convenience and security. For the sake of warmth as well as privacy, the lords bed was curtained, and his attendants slept on simple pallets on the floor, on trundle beds, or on benches. A knight or ladys bed was large and wood-framed, and its springs were interlaced ropes or leather strips upon which a feather mattress would rest. It had sheets, fur coverlets, quilts, and pillows, and it could be fairly easily dismantled and transported to other castles when the lord made a tour of his holdings.​3 Originally, curtains were hung from the ceiling, but as the bed evolved, a frame was added to support a canopy, or tester, from which the curtains hung.4 Similar beds were welcome additions to townhomes, which werent necessarily warmer than castles. And, as in matters of manners and dress, prosperous town-folk emulated the nobility in the style of furnishings used in their homes. Sources 1. Gies, Frances Gies, Joseph, Life in a Medieval Village (HarperPerennial, 1991), p. 93. 2. Gies, Frances Gies, Joseph, Life in a Medieval Castle (HarperPerennial, 1974), p. 67. 3. Ibid, p. 68. 4. bed Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica [Accessed April 16, 2002; verified June 26, 2015].
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Disparity Rate between Women Committing and Incarcerated for Essay
The Disparity Rate between Women Committing and Incarcerated for Crimes in America vs Men Committing Crimes - Essay Example In order to do this, I will discuss the influence of traditional gender stereotypes and the false impression of equality to provide support for the argument that women are indeed mistreated in the workplace; and the stories and characteristics of women who become successful in the corporate world, and the true origin of the glass ceiling, if gender-based or policy-initiated, to substantiate the claim that the glass ceiling has been broken and that women are actually treated well and respected in the corporate world. II. The Glass Ceiling: Women are mistreated in the Workplace Traditional gender stereotypes have historically positioned women in a child-rearing, nurturing, passive and subservient role whereas men are perceived as the governing, more forceful gender. Self-assured and aggressive behaviors of the males are regarded as more important due to its attributes of objectivity, lack of prejudice, and focus toward analytical work or problem solving. Traditional views of males indi cate they are more appropriate to managerial and executive positions than females due to their leadership orientation. Men seem to be more commanding or domineering whereas women go for a more involved and compassionate approach. Further traditional or stereotypical perspectives on the variation men and women are seen from a psychoanalytical point of view in a current commentary in the American Psychologist by the well-known Harry Levinson. As Levinson states, the male focus and orientation is characterized as incursion and drive against the female orientation of participation and environment. The entire psychology of management is all about self-assured approach and power; either to be on the top or on the bottom, defenseless, reliant and exploited (Coyne et al., 2004). Gender discrimination frequently prohibits women from management and executive positions. Gender stereotypes advocate males are mentally or intellectually better than women, are more psychologically stable, and are more focused on achievement and more aggressive than women. Effective and successful managers and executives are believed to have masculine features and attributes. Stereotypical belief and philosophy in organizations not merely affects the staffing and hiring of women to certain positions, it as well influences career growth and development and performance assessment. Societal standards and thoughts with respect to women often restrain women from being selected for managerial and executive positions in the business world. Terborg (1977) claimed the presence of a male managerial paradigm which states that women must not or cannot be effective managers or executives, which then preserves societal standards. Moreover, Terborg (1977) observed women often are disheartened or strained by occupational therapists and family members not to pursue nonconventional jobs, such as managerial positions. Goodale & Hall (1976) discovered students of high school of both genders who had comparable go als for college and career preference were not supported evenly by their families. Male students revealed their parents showed substantially more pressure and attention to their career aspirations than did the female students’ parents. Women who were rejected admission into medical colleges obtained
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